A Stranger.....

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Thunder and lightning came to a halt early in the morning. The sky became clear once again. The town people sighed in relief, after all storms like these were renowned to cause lethal damage. Although they were outright perplexed at this swift change in the weather. They have lived in this town for years and never in their entire lives they have ever witnessed a storm like this. Howbeit there was a small group of folks in the town who were vaguely more perturbed than the rest of the town people. They knew that it was some sort of a warning. A warning which no one should snub. Or else it might prove to be very hazardous.

There was a temple in the centre of the town which was centuries old. No one accurately knew who constructed it. It was a site of worship for all the town people. The priest who resided inside the temple was one of the most venerated personage of the town. He just like his forefathers was faithfully devouted towards the God. But today the priest was nowhere to be seen inside the temple. It was unaccustomed for the priest to not be in the temple. He never left the temple unless it was an emergency.

Little did the town people knew that the priest was right now darting towards Mr Kashyap's residence. Mr Kashyap was the oldest and the most logical man of the town. The priest was running as rapidly as he could, with his Bhagvad Gita in one hand and his holy rosary in the other hand. He kept on chanting the name of Lord Shiva while he ran for his life. After few minutes of running he finally halted. He sat on the earth and endeavour to catch his breath. He gazed in front of him, Mr Kashyap's house was now few footsteps ahead. He resolved to walk rather than run as the house was just feets apart. He peered around himself in fright. He then began to strode swiftly towards the Kashyap house. He reached there and rang the doorbell with his trembling hands. Mr Kashyap opened the gate.
"Guru ji what are you doing here. Come inside please. " Mr Kashyap asked as he beckoned Guru ji to come inside.

The priest walked inside the house and took a seat on the sofa. His whole body was trembling with fear. Mr Kashyap was a wise man, he instantly sensed that something was not right. The priest never left the temple without a purpose. But first it was of paramount importance to quell his agitation prior to querying him concerning the situation. He grabbed a glass and pour water in it. He directed the glass towards the priest. The priest clutched the glass with his trembling hands and sipped the water.
"Guru ji what happened. Is everything alright. " Mr Kashyap queried anxiously. The priest gulped.
"The stars.........they.......told........" he stumbled over his words. Mr Kashyap sat close to him and placed his hand on his shoulder to relax him.
"Guru ji don't get scared. Just tell me what is the matter. " Mr Kashyap asked. The priest took a deep breath.
"Yesterday.....the stars. I......I saw the stars and studied them.....their pattern told me something.......something dangerous. " he said, his eyes clouded with dismay.
"What did they tell you. " Mr Kashyap asked. He knew the priest was right, he himself was quite puzzled after observing the position of stars previous night.
"He is back." these words were ample for Mr Kashyap to cower in fear. He knew something was wrong after witnessing the bizzare thunderstorm. But never in his wildest nightmare he thought that he will be back.

Both of them sat there hushed. Mr Kashyap had millions of questions going in his head. After all these years of being hexed how did he broke free. Who broke the curse.
"He is awake now Kashyap, he is free. After studying the stars I ran to the castle to see if it's true. And then I.....I saw him. He looked like a monster. Kashyap what should we do know. " the priest asked with quivering lips. Mr Kashyap sat their silently. He didn't knew what to do now. It was one of the rare occasions when he couldn't come up with a decision.
"Guru ji. First of all we have to find out how did he broke his curse. " Mr Kashyap said.
"But how??? " the priest asked.
"We'll think about that but first you tell me, did you see him. " Mr Kashyap asked. The priest nodded.
"Did he see you too. " he asked the priest. The priest shook his head.
"Just tell me in detail how did you see him and what was he doing. " he asked him.
"As I told you I ran towards the castle after I studied the stars. I was standing near that iron gate when I saw him. He was enormous. Truly enormous. He was standing near the castle window and was staring at the sky. I was just so terrified seeing him, I ran from there to the temple. " the priest revealed. Mr Kashyap nodded.

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