13. Characters - WORK IN PROGRESS

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All underlined parts are written at a later point of time, like a reaction to what was already written in the past. Why? It's because I simply cannot resist roasting myself XD

Italicized paragraphs are the new additions. I was going to replace the old things with what's in italics but decided against it. Let's hope the additions turn out to be better than what I'd written in the first place!


So, here I am, fulfilling this request from Mochis4lifeq52627.
(Edit: I'm just cringing at EVERY line I've written in the past! Ugh!)

A character sketch along with how each of our darling princes look💖

1. Mr Perfect

The to-be king of Koshala, to whom the 'to-be' sticks for far too long. Rama, his name. Short, yet sophisticated. A most extraordinary person, he was the reason for the world's delight.

Edit: I don't know why, but the "'to be' sticks for far too long" seems so stupid to me right now. Idk why, but it just does!

» Calm and composed, practically all the time.
» A leader by birth, to his brothers, to his kingdom, to an army, anybody!
» Loved his brothers with no limit whatsoever. Teased them when required and lifted them up when they fell. A perfect brother.
» Humble, all the time.
» The best warrior ever, on par with Mahadeva.
» Unbelievably kind, sweet, considerate, understanding, and all the positive adjectives.

How I suppose he looks -
Tall, about six feet by today's standards. Muscular, but not a bulky type muscular. He had a dark, darker than dusky skin tone, which looked absolutely gorgeous. Arguably the most handsome man in the whole world, he mostly carried his bow on his left shoulder and his arrows in an inexhaustible quiver. He had dark, black locks of thick hair, slightly curly. His long hands fetched him the name Aajaanubaahu. He usually wore a beautiful, genuine smile on his face, but when he got angry, you wouldn't want to face him. His eyes, large and expressive, were almost synonymous to lotus petals. His nose was perfectly crafted and his jawline precisely shaped. His perfect lips were the colour of the Bimba fruit, a reddish pink. Regal, he looked, with his peetambara donned for the dhoti and a beautifully contrasting coloured silk for his angavastra.

Edit: Please, please, please read the next part. It's much better than this school ke notes jaisa paragraph above. I can't believe I ACTUALLY explained Rama's appearance like THAT. *Disappointed shaking of head*


All I could do as the man with the gait of a lion walked to me was watch, stunned. He had such splendour that it silenced me, froze me. I couldn't even move, or say something to him. Smiling and pushing his wild curls back, he said, "I'm Rama."
The name always evoked an emotion of respect, of devotion, of love in practically every soul I knew. But to hear it in his deep, soothing voice only made the name sound and feel even more pure, so much more divine.
I didn't say anything, however. Too spellbound by his aura to say anything, I just ensured to drink in the sight. To soak in the experience.
His appearance was more than enough for one to experience divinity in its purest form. His dark curls fell to his shoulder, occasionally flying in the slight, rather inconsistent breeze.
His eyes. They were certainly the most beautiful things to exist. They just always seemed to be smiling. But they had so much more. Even just looking at them for a few moments would mean that one would practically drown in their golden beauty. The starry shimmer in them, and the lotus shape of the pair of eyes only made them look all the more gorgeous. They were simply magnetic. Anybody, absolutely anybody would be drawn to them. And the longer one looked at them, the deeper they would go into them, losing themselves to the vastness and the depth of theirs. They held so much in them. From the space, to the galaxies, to the deepest of oceans, they had everything.
What they also had was a depiction of each of Rama's forms. From a childlike glint with a hint of playfulness and mischief, to the confidence and determination of a just king. From the bone-chilling rage of a provoked warrior to the heart-melting love of Sitaramana. He was just so full of life, that his eyes themselves seemed to be the best representation for life itself.
His smile. Oh his smile! It was just so wholesome, so beautiful. It was the smile of the Lord of Vaikuntha, of the one who rested upon Adisesha in Ksheerasagara. It was the smile that always did and always will light up the entire universe. As bright and happy as Surya's rays, and yet as subtle and soothing as those of Chandra, his smile was just everything the world would ever need. It provided all the comfort in the world for anyone who'd need it. It provided all the happiness for someone who didn't have any of it. It provided all the beauty, the peace of mind for anyone who wanted. It was just so divine. Like the amrita that had appeared after the churning of the ocean. It could heal, and protect. It was always there. It was always going to be there, for it was the light of the world and will always be.
As for his stature, physically, he was tall, very tall. He towered over me with an elegance, it was inexplicable. He had broad, strong shoulders, a bow hanging on the left side as he held it quite delicately with his fingers, and a navy blue angavastra flowing down his right shoulder beautifully. His arms were so powerful and muscular, I could see how he had the ability to fight for days against all those demons throughout his life.
As my eyes wandered downward, his feet, below his magnificent peetambara, were what caught my eyes. They were scarred, bruised. But that didn't hinder their divinity. They evoked an endless sense of reverence, unleashing dimensions of devotion I thought I'd never see. The world was there. It was the universe's residence. It was everybody's shelter. It felt like my abode. It was home.

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