53. Temptations

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"Bhrata Ravan, it is your responsibility to avenge this humiliation that your sister has had to endure, for you!" cried Shurpanakha desperately. For Ravana? Ravana?

Ravana. The son of Vishrava and Kaikasi. A safe he should've been, if looked at, but he was a demon. An atrocious being, he had done so many things to people that one wouldn't want to hear. He was also called Dasha-anana. A ten faced demon. A mightily skilful warrior, but used it, never for Dharma, but against it always. Light, amber coloured eyes and dark brown hair, he didn't look half as ravishing as he deemed. A large, curved moustache, giving him an intimidating touch and a toothy grin, which he usually gave, was always a successful method of scaring people off. When he laughed, his hoarsely deafening voice echoed in the ears of the people, who'd wish that they had run away a little earlier, so that they could escape. Many things that he did were...crazily terrorizing. People would, all of a sudden, see that he has been cursed that if he ever tried to force himself upon a woman without her wish, his head would burst. Then they would see that he, suddenly now, owns a flying vehicle, a Vimana, The Pushpaka Vimana. Then later in their lives, they'd see that a creature with an ability to fly had mightily shredded their Lanka down and had burnt it up, right in front of their Lankeshwar's eyes. A lot more they'd have to see.

Ravana, upon hearing those screeches from his beloved sister, looked down, brooding. "Tell me some more about it all." he simply said. Shurpanakha looked up at him, eyes gleaming, before she got back to her sorrowful state. He was ready to listen!

"You know, Bhrata, I had gone to bring Sita as a wife, for you." she said in supposed innocence, as Ravana's head darted up, and he looked at his grieving sister curiously. Women equalled to his Achilles' heel.

"Who? Sita?" he asked interestedly.

"Yes. Sita! Because of her, I've been humiliated. I went to bring her to Lanka, so she could be yours, but that Lakshman chopped my nose and ears off! Is this not an insult to you?" she said, instigating him.

"Speak clearly!" snapped Ravana, annoyed. "Tell me everything."
Everything. Shurpanakha would tell him all the 'everything' that would benefit her.

"She's divine," started Shurpanakha, her narration of the highest class. "I've never someone as beautiful as her. Not a Gandharva woman, not a Yaksha woman, not a Kinnara woman, certainly not a mere mortal woman. Not even by our illusions can us, demons, make a woman as beautiful, as gorgeous as she is."
Ravana looked completely smitten by just this. Lust was taking over him like it already had a few times before that. It was bad, definitely, but he never seemed to realise it. 

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, Bhrata! She has complexion that can rival gold in its lustre and has eyes that look like literal, literal lotus petals. Dark brown in colour, those eyes twinkle in delight when her husband, namely Ram, is happy. Her happiness lies in his wellbeing and delight. Her slender fingers, however, are now picking all sorts of bitter berries from Janasthana." she stopped for a second. Who told her that forest berries are bitter? Anyway, she continued. "Those slender fingers should be here, in your hands,"


Rama shuddered, pulling Sita closer to himself. She was sleeping, but he had woken up after having witnessed the most horrid nightmare ever.

Sita. Calling out for Him and Lakshmana. A demon grabbing her hand. A deceitful man trying to harm Her. Lakshmana had left. A deer. Golden. Dead. Scream. Shouts for help. Harsh words. Bad omens. A dead vulture. Sita. Sita. SITA.

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