85. The Real Illusionist

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"Do you think Indrajit will come next, or will somebody else, Laksh?" said Rama, as he looked at Lakshmana who had denied any rest for himself and was busy massaging his brother's legs. When Rama didn't get a reply from a highly focused Lakshmana, he continued "Laksh? Tell me?"

"I think that wretch will be the one to come. Meghanad. I don't understand how he can call himself Indrajit, a name that has so much to it, despite being such a perfect coward." said Lakshmana almost hoarsely, for he was seething. Rama smiled subtly.

"Calm down, Lakshman. Don't get irritated for no reason. And please, go and lie down, Laksh, you must be exhausted. Go." said Rama. Lakshmana, predictably, did not agree, and just stayed there, shaking his head adamantly, stubborn as ever. Rama agreed reluctantly to let him stay, as he, somehow, was always forced to by his younger brother. Rama didn't fall asleep that night either, however, as curiosity gnawed at him. Who would come next?


Rama, with Lakshmana behind him, walked towards Vibhishana and the others just as it looked like the sun wanted to rise. The pitch black skies with diamond like stars (I swear, I'm not saying Twinkle Twinkle Little Star XD) was not what they saw, because now, it was a lighter blue, and a slight orange around Mount Suvela, while the other places looked a magical lavender.

"Pranam, Prabhu!" Hanuman was the first one to bow before Him and the others followed. Rama smiled at them warmly, before he furrowed his eyebrows, ready to voice out his question.

"I think Meghanad, Prabhu!" said Sugreeva, even before Rama could ask his question, and Rama was quite surprised by that.

"You're a mind reader, Sugreev!" he exclaimed, chuckling, as Nala raised a brow thoughtfully, wondering if it really was true. It was a great art, and he would love it if his King taught him th- He decided to focus on the conversation instead. "I think so too. But what do you suppose he'd do? Maharaj Vibhishan? Any idea?" Vibhishana cleared his throat and began.

"I know exactly what he will do if sent, Prabhu. He will perform a sacrificial ritual, before he enters the battlefield. And then, he will use treachery. He'll go invisible, into the vastness of the sky, and will attack our troops with his arrows from the skies while hiding." he said. There was a sort of sense of disgust in his voice, when he spoke of the unrighteous ways Indrajit would commence the battle if he came.

"Bhaiya, I am going to kill him today! He has lived long enough, honestly, after having dared to injure you!" said Lakshmana furiously, but Rama shook his head.

"Not all strategies can be pre planned, Lakshman. Our plan for today should just be to fight our enemy with all our might, but also, with all our intelligence." said Rama. Angada looked quizzical. "We shall do whatever the situation demands. If Meghanad can use his treachery to trick us, I believe we can use our intelligence to trick him."

"But how, Prabhu? What exactly does that mean?" asked Sugreeva, his eyes crinkled. Rama smiled at him.

"That just means that we will have to use our presence of mind. Sugreev, I said that we can't pre-plan everything, right?" Sugreeva nodded. "You'll know what I mean by the end of today."


Just as Vibhishana had informed Rama, Indrajit had come out of his palace to firstly perform a sacrificial ritual. He was readily equipped for the battle now, because he had done something like charging his chariot and other equipment with the Brahmastra. It was like a protective later, in a way, and that was what he got after performing the ritual.

He thought he was invincible and unassailable and everything, but he still felt the need to hide himself. Invisibility. He seemed to have a requirement for invisibility if he wanted to win. It was an advantage that helped him win any battle he did, against those whom the Rakshasas very fondly called 'mere hermits and apes' although, later, he would decide to pretend like he had done it all solely because he was truly unconquerable.

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