Mixed Emotions

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Roman's POV

            I opened my eyes and I was back in that dark room. I got up and took a step in front of my only to collide with the glass wall caging me. I can't be back. I just got back to my family. I can't leave them again. I began kicking and punching the walls trying to get out, but the glass wouldn't budge I was begging to panic. I head laughter and I began to look around, but there was not a soul in sight. I began to hit harder until my fist began to bleed. I started to scream and yell in frustration. The laughter got closer until I saw someone come closer. They got to the glass and I realized I was looking at myself. It was not me though. I mean it was me, but not me now. I was who I was. It was who I hated. It was who I hated being. "Never thought I'd live to see the day, here we are and you're crying." He laughed more. "I like this. You trapped me in here for what nearly 9 years. It was one hell of a time. I get to watch you think you can be a boyfriend, a husband, and a father. That was very interesting. Each time I tried to break free from here, I'd crack the glass, but some reason you would make this prison stronger. Now look at you. You're trapped in the very prison you built to lock me in. Here I stand free. I guess that whole near death bullshit set me free, but now look, my how tables have turned. This glass is strong as hell ain't it." He knocked on it.

   "Let me out!" I hit the glass.

   "Yes because when I wanted out you let me out. The few times I did get out were fun. Oh what were their names? You know alcohol makes this head of yours more bearable. Jesus, that bitch you call your-"

   "Watch your fucking mouth!"

   "Oh look at that nerve. You are so funny. Her nagging doesn't get to you?"

   "She doesn't nag me."

   "Roman, do this. Roman, do that. Roman, I asked you. Roman, help me please. Roman, blah, blah, blah, blah. She doesn't even say your name that much when you fuck her. That's nice though. She is packing some a nice pussy." He laughed.

   "Don't talk about my wife that way!" I hit the glass again.

   "You mean our wife. I mean after all I'm you. You are me Roman!"

   "I am not you!" I yelled.

   "What makes you say that? You are me Roman. You are me! You yelled at your pregnant wife remember? You told her she being dramatic remember? You slept with those women. You drank. You nearly knocked her head off of her shoulders. You did that. You are the one who wanted to leave while she was still pregnant." I froze. "Oh you forgot about that didn't you? Let me refresh that memory. You built that house as a goodbye gift. You were going to use your escape plan and abandon you're high risk pregnant wife. You had everything set up. You were going to make that $10,000 would hit her account every month to take care of little Eva. Then you saw her in that hospital and saw that little thing."

   "Don't call my daughter a thing!" I slammed my fist against the glass again.

   "You're right! Our adorable daughter nearly didn't make it a few times like your dead sons."

   "Shut up!" I yelled. He laughed and started circling the box. I watched his every move. He was smiling while he taunted me. "Why are you doing this?"

   "I'm not doing anything you are. This is your head after all. I am you. You are me." He chuckled and started to sing. "We're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me to." I looked and saw he had a gun aimed at my head. A loud bag rang out and I flinched. I sat up in my hospital bed drenched in sweat. I looked around and Janae turned the light on. I guess she had spent the night again. She handed me a cup of water and I drank it. "Another nightmare?" She moved my hair out of my face. I just nodded. She climbed in the bed with my and just kissed my head. I laid there. She just hummed while I stared out of the window. I've had the same nightmare every single night since waking up. Most nights I'd find Janae in here asleep in the chair. When I wake she also does immediately. I know one night Val had Tati. I woke up quietly to not wake her up and she was sitting in the chair with Eva fast asleep in her lap. I just wanted this shit to go away.

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