Mr. Sandman

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Adrian's POV:

"Daddy! No." I yelled my ears were ringing and felt someone moving me from my dad. I thought I was still trying to reach for him, but I couldn't breathe. "Stay still Adrian. I need you to stay still my love. Look at me." I was trying to focus on Aunt Miranda but she was blurry. Sirens were blaring around us. I started closing my eyes. "No Adrian, stay with me. Come on tell me about your recital."

"I want my dad." I knew I was crying. I felt myself get lifted up. I felt myself grow even more tired. I closed my eyes. The voices and sirens got further and further. The next time I opened my eyes I saw a bright light. I closed my eyes for a while. I opened my eyes and I was in a dark cold room. I hugged myself and looked around. I was sitting on the hard floor. I stood up and tried to move but I bit a glass wall. Every direction I moved I was stuck. "Daddy!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Dad!" I looked around. "Daddy help me!" I screamed and cried for my dad. I gave up and sat in a ball in the corner of the glass box. "Adrian! Adrian!"

"Daddy! I'm in here! Please help me!" I could see him, but I could hear him. I kept calling for him and banging on the glass, but nothing happened. He finally appeared in front of me trying to calm me down. "I'm stuck!" I continued to cry. "Dad help me!" I screamed for him.

"I'm right here. It's okay. Turn away from me and cover your face my sweet girl." I did what he said and listened to him try to break the glass. It wasn't budging. I turned back around and just looked at him. "I'm scared." He looked back at me and leaned his forehead against the glass. I place my hands on the glass where his were. All of a sudden I was no longer cold. The glass box was now warm. "I am right here. I am not leaving you. I promised you I would never leave you Adrian." I just stared at my dad scared still. "I've broken promises before, but I will never leave you and your sisters." I nodded and sat on the floor. He sat also and just began talking. He started reciting When Will It Snow to try to calm me. He never moved his hand from the glass. Every so often I would place my hand on his. He stayed alert and watched me. Even when I laid down he would just carefully watch me. He never stopped talking. He was telling me stories about when he was a kid, him and my uncles, he and my aunt, he and Mama, he and my mom as kids, and even stories about how he got ready to be a dad. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up and he was walking around this glass enclosure. I sat up and could see he was stumped. "I love you dad." I caught his attention. He smiled but it quickly fell as the glass began to shatter around me. I tried to run to him, but it shattered under my feet. He lunged to catch me, but I slipped through his fingers. I fell until I landed on something soft. I was afraid to open my eyes. I peeked open my eyes and noticed I landed on pillows. I sat up and looked around. "I remember you always sticking the landing Bubbles." I turned and saw the man who raised me. I ran into his arms and began to just cry. "Don't cry sweetie its okay. I got you." He hummed.

"Where's my dad?" I looked up at him.

"You have no clue how amazing it is to hear you say that. He is busy right now. I can't say for sure, but he's still in waiting. You my beautiful niece are going to wake up as soon as you're ready." He wiped my face. "So we will sit and rest until then okay. I know you're tired. It's okay to rest. You will be ok bubbles." We sat down on the pillows and he covered me with a blanket. He began humming one of the songs from Anastasia. I held his hand for dear life. "Uncle Bobby, I miss you."

"I've missed you too small one." He chuckled. "How do you like your dad so far?"

"He's always there." I smiled.

"Well that's the point." He laughed.

"No, I mean like the first weekend I had my lady business and was too embarrassed to tell him and he took me to the store anyway. He didn't pressure me into telling him or anything. Another time I was climbing my silk in the basement and he caught me when I lost my grip. He then bought extra padding for the floor and spent all night trying to figure out how to install it. He makes breakfast every morning and checks my homework. I caught him one night in his office trying to figure out my math homework because I didn't get it. He's just always there. My parents are pretty cool." I smiled to myself.

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