These Are My Confessions 🖤😘🤗

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Hey babes it's taking me longer to write these next chapters that were already started months ago. No writers block just don't want to sit in front of a screen and work. I just finished my semester and graduated finally, in other words im tired of typing. Ya girl is now a college grad on the bright side though. Here are some confessions I have about this saga.

I knew I was going to introduce Adrian from the first story I wrote. Adrian was going to be introduced on Family Business in between Janae finding out she was pregnant and Angelo dying. She also was initially going to be a love child of Alessia and Roman, opposed to a teenage pregnancy, thus making her much younger. She would have been between the ages of 4-10.

The character Alessia was originally supposed to be a long time mistress of Roman's since he had been married.

I played with the idea of Roman knowing Adrian existed, but making the decision of not accepting her as his child. Then Janae was supposed to see her and know in her gut that Roman was her father. If I would have gone with that idea, Adrian would have been introduced much later after Roman was shot. Then chaos would have ensued with Alessia and Janae.

I of course played with the idea that Bobby was not really dead. I thought about resurrecting him in this story or Where There's Smoke. I actually wrote that chapter so if you want to read how that would have went I can publish that. I keep playing with that idea, but don't hold up hope because I have no real clue how I can effortlessly do that without is being forced.

I thought about doing Family Business Saga one shots just to put chapters out there I wrote, but ended up not keeping in the storyline. That's still a possibility. Some of the are lighthearted and other are heart wrenching.

I honestly played with the idea of killing Janae off. Instead of Roman and Adrian, it would have been Roman and Janae. Roman would have woken up after a few weeks of a medically induced coma to finding Janae gone and getting ready for her funeral. That would have caused a huge riff between the Jacksons and Marchetti's especially Roman and Dontae. That could still be a mini series

I know there are storylines dangling in thin air, I have not forgotten them. If by the time I get to the end they are not answered you can ask.

I honestly killed off Bruce because I did not know what to do with him. I had so many plans with him initially, but didn't write it down in my notes, so I decided to give Adrian more trauma instead. I kinda regret it, but oh well.

I originally was going to have Janae carry her and Bobby's baby. Then I thought about her carrying then putting up for adoption, but I needed her to kinda have a lose it all to come back stronger and better.

These are just some confession, but if you want more just ask!

These are just some confession, but if you want more just ask!

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