Capo Daddy

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Roman's POV

            Dre and Alessia going back to their respective homes and Janae and I finding our new routine settled in better than I thought. Alessia still came and took Adrian to school in the morning and Janae took off for work. I'd have the littles up, fed, and ready for the day by 8 no later than 9. By then Val comes and picks up Tati just leaving me and Eva. She usually just hangs out with me and does what I do. I feed her lunch at noon by that time she if full of energy. After lunch I bundle her up since there's still snow on the ground and we play in the backyard until she gets tired around 2:15ish like clockwork. I put her down for a nap for an hour and a half. In that time I try to get as much done that I don't want her to hear or see as possible. I get her up from her nap at 3:45 sometimes 4 if I was finishing a task. By that time she is ready for a snack and ready to play some more. I usually have her in the living room eating her snack because Janae was always home by 4:45 and that's when she wants to play with mommy. Val brings Tati back home by 5:30 and hangs out. Adrian and Alessia come back at 6. By that time I leave Janae to play with the babies and I sit and work in my office while Adrian sits in here with me and works on some school work she didn't finish throughout her day and has me go through it to check it all. Any given night it's a tossup who actually cooks. We all eat dinner together as a family. I enjoyed our family dinners. They were refreshing. Whoever didn't cook would do dishes. Janae would go bathe the littles and Adrian would start her nighttime routine. Adrian would play and tucker her little sisters out for a bit and by 8 they were in bed. Val and I would alternate reading to them before they passed out, but when they did by 8:30 the house went into quiet mode. Val would take off not long after Tati went to bed to head back home. Alessia would stay until Adrian went to her room for the night an hour or so later just leaving Janae and I. I liked the time of night where it was just the two of us because by that time we're both winding down too. We make sure all the doors and windows were locked, made note of who the guards were at night, packed bags for the kids next day, verified homework, checked schedule, and talked for a while. We made sure to talk before bed and make time for each other. After my shower tonight I laid on the bed on her thighs and Janae was tying her hair up. "I think I like a house husband." She teased. "I always come home to a clean house, clean pets, clean kids, and warm meal I can get used to this. I might even get lucky tonight." She smirked.
    "You didn't even notice I got a haircut, but you want to use me for my body. You're taking advantage of me." I joked with her. "Anyway tell me about you day my amazing super wife."
    "It was good. I feel like I have this new burst of life in me going back to teaching. It feels good. So many of my students missed me and so many have come back just to see me. It feels good to know I was missed you know. They threw a welcome back party for Bella and me. They showered Bella with gifts for the babies. They were all so concerned about you and Adrian. Marcus and Nikki did their thing and I was able to keep them both on as full time teachers in my music department." She smiled.
    "You look happy again baby. I'm so happy for you. Maybe Eva and I will pull up for lunch tomorrow? I should get her out of the house."
    "That could be fun. How was your day?"
    "It was pretty good. Eva is such a character. Being able to have these one on ones with her is so amazing. It seems like every day is something different with her. She no longer just touching everything, now she finds things interesting enough to bring it to me and like he all know big man explain." She laughed at that. "When she asks in English I explain in English. If she asks in Italian I explain in Italian. She's smart."
     "I know she is. She's like you already you know. Your mom and I were talking and she was telling me about how her behavior is highly similar to yours at that age."
    "She will be a handful then."
    "You mom says you were always very well behaved. She's pretty good. Enough about our babies. How are you? Are you taking it easy? I'm not home to make sure you are."
    "Oh Eva and I have been sprinting miles, lifting 450, and back flips off the roof." He hit my chest causing me to laugh. "I'm okay babe I promise. I'm being good."
    "I found out he was withdrawn from school."
    "Baby, I know you liked the kid, but his father killed my brothers and allowed his brother to molest my daughter. It's of the best."
    "I'm sorry, I meant our, but baby he's probably okay."
    "He's just a kid Roman. A kid. Just like our kids. He is a good kid at that."
    "Baby, you want to know who also was a good kid? Simon. Simon killed a man at 10. He had his dogs attack him. Ever since then that's why he always has dogs. He was a kid too."
    "That's an extreme." She looked down.
    "I knew how to shoot a gun by 14." I pointed out.
    "You didn't use it to hurt anyone though." She pointed
    "The whole purpose of Nick teaching us was just in case we had to defend ourselves and he was not there. I know that it bothers you that he's a kid. I get it baby, but his father is dangerous. Drew is very dangerous. I put nothing pass him and that includes using his own kid. I know he's a nice kid. I've met him and his mom and his little sister. They seem nice, but so does our family baby." I sat up and pulled her into my chest.

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