Why Won't You Love Me?!

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Mandy's eyes snap wide open in shock, her mind was boggled. She slowly re-thinks what had occurred before she- she was suddenly tied onto a bed? Mandy gasps, frantically looking around the room. As her head rotates from left to right repeatedly, a couple of strands of her hair breaks out of her bobble. Framing her face. Mandy notices that her hands were tied to the bed's headboard, by two red ties. Her legs were free though. She takes a moment to calm herself, remembering what/how she got into this position. Lou killed Kitty, she caught him and then he knocked her out. As she takes a closer inspection of the room, she confirms it to be Lou's bedroom. There was a full body mirror covering half of the wall from the left of her (the king sized bed was centered against the wall). Opposite to that was a large photo of Lou shirtless. Winking at the camera that took the photo. The room seems to be royal-themed; especially with the room being mostly gold and royal purple. It's somewhat fitting for Lou.

Wait...how come she was seeing clearly? Mandy gazes to the mirror, managing to see her face by the edge of the mirror. Her glasses were still on. It did somewhat surprise her that Lou kept them on her. Mandy believed Lou would hate them, after all, having bad eyesight wasn't considered perfect.

The doll attempts to pull out of the ties that had her restrained to the bed; they were securely tied around her wrists. Making it difficult to pull out of them. 'Oh crap, how am I going to get out of this alive?' Mandy questions. Surely Lou would've killed her, why is he keeping her captive? Just so he can mentally break her? The doll's thoughts were soon interrupted, by the creak of the bedroom door in front of her. She gasps in surprise from the sound. Lou walks in, holding a tray of Mandy's frequent lunch meal. He then grins upon seeing her awake, "I-is that-?"

"A prawn cocktail pitta salad? Of course, it is!" Lou finishes for his doll. He plops down beside her, laying the tray onto the bedside counter. Mandy was unsure of what to do or even say. "L...Lou?" The doll in question hums in response. Picking up the fork beside the salad bowl and digging into the food. "Kitty wasn't your first kill, was she?" She hoped it wasn't true. The image of her friends being killed; the reason she believes was all because they were different. Lou's lips perk up for a small second before they lower. Trying to keep his calm tone to not scare his doll. "Aren't you a smart doll? I had to get rid of those uglydolls; it was not only for the greater good for the institution but for you as well." He raises the fork and moves it in Mandy's mouth. 

She quickly moves her head away from the food. Denying to eat it. She didn't want to risk eating anything that Lou could've tampered with. "Come on dear~ you need to eat." He attempts to feed her again, but fails. "Mandy." His tone switches from playful to serious. She turns her head back to Lou. His stare going through her. "You need to eat." He demands. It was clear from his tone and expression that he wasn't taking no for an answer. Mandy hesitantly opens her mouth, Lou quickly changes back to being happy. Feeding her the salad. "There we go! Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He giggles; Mandy loved when he laughed. Now she can't help but shudder from hearing it. Wondering what happened to the doll she loved. The doll that made her feel special. Mandy reluctantly ate the salad; she will have to play along for now. Just until she can get her thoughts together and a plan to escape.

During Mandy's lunch, Lou pauses for a small moment. "Oh! I almost forgot." He jumps up from the side of the bed. "Sorry Mandy, but I must leave to teach the others about the big world." The mention of the big world made Mandy realize something. What if she doesn't escape? Then she'd never had a chance to experience love from a child. Before he leaves the room, he turns to look back at the doll on his bed. "By the way, I've got a wonderful surprise for you. It'll be ready in a couple of days my dear~ I love you." He says before leaving Mandy alone. 


It has been two days since Mandy was held captive in Lou's bedroom. She doesn't know how much time she has left before Lou comes home. Mandy was doing everything she could to untie herself from the binds. Continuing to pull and pull for an escape, only to form red marks around her wrists. Even though it hurts, Mandy doesn't stop. She was desperate to get away from this room, from Lou's house, from him. It took what seemed to be an eternity until the right tie began to loosen.

Mandy gasps then smiles in success. Swiftly pulling her right hand out of the cloth. Then using her free hand to untie the other. She briskly gets up on her feet and runs out of the room. Going down the long hallway and skipping down the stairs. However, as she lands on the final step, she hears a door close. Along with some humming. 

He's here.

Out of fear, Mandy jogs into the living room. Finding the door leading to the maid's room. The room was dark: a single bed pushed to the wall, a brown wardrobe beside it and a desk where Mandy supposes accessories are to be place. Once she hears the echos of footsteps, Mandy rapidly gets inside the closet. If she could hide long enough, he may leave - believing she managed to get out- and use that as a chance to run. The footsteps fade only for a short amount of time, until Mandy heard a laugh "Oh you can't be serious!" The footsteps got faster; Lou seems to be running around the living room. "Where are you, Mandy?!" He shouts, as if she would actually respond to him. Her eyes scan the small area, hoping she can find something to defend herself with. In case her plan won't go as well as she hopes. Yet there wasn't anything that would be suitable to actually hurt Lou.

There was 5 minuets of silence, Mandy trying to calm herself. But the sudden pull of the wardrobe doors makes her gasp. Lou found her. He forcefully tugs her out of the wardrobe. His grip was painful, causes Mandy to scream. "Let me go!" Lou growls at her reaction. Why can't she just love him? He has killed dolls for her. Learned of her daily routines, likes, dislikes and even her dark secret about her glasses. Lou would go to the moon and back for her, so why doesn't she love him?

"Why must you be so difficult?!" His grip tightens on her arms. Mandy whimpers, still trying to push him away. Lou throws Mandy onto the single bed in anger. He knows there's some chains lying in this room. Before Mandy could even sit up, Lou pushes her back down. No matter how hard she thrashed and screamed, Lou managed to chain up her hands and legs onto the bed's railings with ease. Mandy hauls as hard as she could, not caring anymore of how bad it hurts. "Let me outta here, you monster!"

Lou turns his back to Mandy, holding in his sadness. The doll he deeply loves is calling him -the perfect doll- a monster. "I don't get it." He whimpers, shocking Mandy by his chance of tone. Beforehand, he was obviously angry and potentially formed bruises on her arms, due to his tight grip. He turns to look back at her, "It was going so well... before you tried to leave me." His gritted his teeth through the last part of his sentence. Lou sits beside Mandy, who glares at him with fear and a hint of anger. "Why?.. Why does everyone leave me?" Mandy questions inside her by what Lou means by everyone. Was there other dolls he loved?

In a sudden motion, Lou leans forward. Landing his face against her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her waist. Mandy would've like this form of affection. She heard him sniffle a cry, "I just want you to stay with me. Be with me, forever." Mandy gulps at this unexpected sorrow Lou has. She didn't know if this was sincere or another manipulation tactic. A small part of her wants to believe it was sincere. Wishing this was true; that she's seeing this side that no other doll has. Mandy, not fully sure on what to do, just hushes him. Leaning her chin to rest it on top of his head. "I-it's ok." Mandy begins to say soothing words to calm Lou down. His embrace strengthens on her waist. This continued for around 10 minuets, before Lou soon stops crying. He lifts his head up to stare into Mandy's eyes. "I'm sorry, my dear. I shouldn't... I-I need to go." The words came rapidly out of his mouth. Leaving the room so fast it leaves Mandy confused. Pondering on his reason for going away out of the blue. 

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now