Being More Forward

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Another morning, another day at the institution. Lou was patiently waiting for the dolls. Well, he was mostly waiting for Mandy. He had to teach a lesson to the dolls today; how they should avoid being caught alive in the big world. It was one of the more crucial lessons to learn (Note: just so there isn't any confusion, the characters all are adults. Just cause they have lessons doesn't mean it's like high school and the dolls are teens). Lou was on the stage, scanning the group of dolls to find his love. But there was no sign of her; causing Lou to worry. Did someone take her,? Has she left the institution? Did she- "Hey Lou!" He quickly turns, hoping that the feminine voice was his Mandy. Unfortunately, he was incorrect. Lou glares at the doll, "What is it Tuesday?" The doll in question nervously plays with a strand of her hair. It was obvious the woman had a crush on him. Most dolls did. "W-well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight? L-like a date." Tuesday offers with a huge grin. Lou isn't too surprised by this; there was other dolls in the past which asked him out on a date. But none of them met up to his standards, unlike Mandy. Lou looks her up and down, as if he was ashamed by the doll. Then turns to have his back facing her, "Change your hair and maybe I'll consider it." Lou might as well lead this doll on. It's rather amusing to see how far dolls would go just to date him. Dolls would change their looks, how they act etc. However, Mandy wouldn't have to do anything of that sort. All she would have to do is love him back.

Tuesday gasps, believing that she could have a chance with Lou. She turns, and with a short spring in her steps, walks off of the stage. To hang around with her friends. Lou growls in annoyance; where on earth is Mandy? His eyes scan the area... and finally, Mandy was here. Standing nearby the desks, looking around nervously. She's probably trying to find the Spy girls. Lou needs to get to her now before she notices them. He jumps off the stage, straightens his suit, then fast walks over to Mandy. Who quickly notices him coming over. Mandy begins to get flustered: why does Lou want to talk to her? Has she done something wrong? She takes a deep breathe in and then out. Whatever he wants she will comply with it. "H-hey Lou." Her greeting came out so awkward and strain. Lou smiles at her trepidation, "Hello, my perfect doll." Mandy blushes from the new nickname. How come she was considered a perfect doll? Mandy thought of herself as some simple doll. With a sever flaw that could ruin her chance of going to the real world. "Is there something you need?" She asks, her anxiety slowly building. "Not really. I just want to spend some quality time with you. I would like to learn more about you." Lou grins, holding his hands behind his back. Trying to present a more calm and polite manner. He doesn't want her intimidated by his self.

Mandy nervously gulps, "O-ok then! So, do you like musicals?" "Like them? I adore them!" Lou beams in excitement. It's nice to know Mandy enjoys musicals like him. This shows have they'd be perfect together already. "My top 3 favorites are: Grease, Heathers and The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Fun fact: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg is the film which inspired La La Land." Mandy slightly opens her mouth in surprise. "Wow, that's interesting." She comments. "I really like Mamma Mia and Grease as well. I'm not sure if I could have a top favorite musical of the two; they're so good!" The two dolls continue their conversation on musicals; sharing their opinions and agreeing on certain dislikes of a musical. On the inside, Lou's emotions were going wild. It felt as if he was in heaven, with a beautiful angel standing in front of him. And he got to hear her lovely voice. They talked until it was time for the lesson to start. Lou huffs as a robot informs him it's time to start the lesson. "I better start the lesson, apologizes if this was so abrupt." Lou says, taking a heavy stack of books from the robot. Before the robot leaves to tell the other dolls the lesson's starting. Mandy quickly notices Lou's struggle with the books. She helps by taking 3 books from the top, "Here, I'll help you!" She smiles, feeling more comfortable in Lou's presence. As they walk towards the stage, Lou grins. Thanking Mandy for the help.

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