Bad Ending

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A small drip of sweat falls down the side of Lydia's forehead. The two dolls were facing an distraught Lou. "I've been patient with you Mandy. I really have. But this- this is the last fucking straw." Lou reaches behind him to pull out a switch blade. Mandy lets go of Lydia's hand to raise both of her hands up, "No Lou please! D-don't hurt her!" Lou giggles at her pleading. He begins to walk towards the two dolls. "Hurt her? Oh, I'm going to do MUCH worse when I get my hands on the both of you!!" Lou lunges, raising the blade and strikes down to Lydia. Who manages to dodge the attack, only receiving a cut on her arm. She didn't have time to react when Lou kicks her in the stomach. Landing her down to the ground, a few seconds away from the pool. Lou jumps on top of her, raising his blade to stab her heart. Mandy runs beside him, grabbing his wrist to try and stop him. Only to be pushed to the ground. Although Lydia kicks around, it didn't help to get the doll off of her. She screams as loud as she can; for the chance of any other dolls/robots nearby to hear.

Lou's blade lunges toward her heart, yet Lydia takes a hold of his arm to maneuver it to her shoulder. This action earns Lou a loud scream from the doll underneath him. His lips curve to an even wider smile. However, his smile soon leaves when something whacks him across the head. Making his unconscious body fall into the pool. Lydia sits up, gazing to the source that hit Lou. Mandy had a spade in both hands, her legs shaking from time to time. Mandy stare was on the body in the pool, unsure of what to do now. Lydia stands up, grunting when she moves her shoulder due to the pain. "Mandy?" Her voice breaks the doll out of her stare. Dropping the spade. Lydia gently takes her friend's hand in hers. "We have to get help." They both begin to head to the front. To leave and take Lou to justice.

All of a sudden, Lydia felt something sharp go all the way through her throat. A gasp leaves her mouth, her body freezing. Mandy's hands move to her mouth, her eyes widening at what was in Lydia's throat. It was the blade. Going right through her throat. She drops to her knees, landing face first to the ground. Blood pooling out onto the grass. Mandy screeches at the sight of her friend's corpse. Every one of friends are fucking dead. Dead. "You're-" She looks to the doll who killed her one and only friend that was still alive. "-not. Leaving me. NEVER!" Mandy didn't have time to react as everything suddenly went black.


Mandy jolts up with a loud gasp, awaking only to see a small amount of light. She looks above her to see a swaying light bulb. Then looking back down to see herself tied up to a chair. 'Oh shit... don't tell me I'm in the basement' Memories of Kitty being in the exact same chair makes her shiver. Seeing all of that blood. Seeing her friend in absolute pain. Just like how her other friends died. She doesn't know how they met their awful fate, but she's sure it would've been painful. Mandy just want to vomit from the thoughts.

A door suddenly creaks open, as footsteps begin to echo. The door opening allows light from upstairs to be shine down to the basement. From the forth step that Mandy could see, a foot steps down. Then another. Mandy gulps, "My my, you're awake this early!?" Lou had on some gloves, along with his hair wrapped up in a net peaked hat. "Please, Lou... stop this." She chokes out, only for Lou to laugh in return. "Stop what? My undying love for you?" He grips both of the chairs arms. Pushing his palms into Mandy's skin. She yelps, closing her eyes to avoid his evil gaze.

"Oh darling~ this will never stop, until you give in to my love... because you're never leaving me."

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now