A Night With Lou

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The doll sat on the black couch, viewing her surroundings. Lou's house was certainly different compared to the others. Not only because of its size but from its beautiful interior as well. Paintings that were plastered on the walls seemed to be art of the 50's or 60's. Looks like Lou is into the classics. Across from her was a large flat screen TV on the wall. Which had an electric fire place underneath it. Although it was a nice house, it wasn't Mandy's cup of tea. She prefers her own house. In Mandy's opinion, Lou's house was too much. Lou places the tray of wine onto the coffee table. Picking up one glass to pour the wine in, then passing that glass to Mandy. Who thanks him in return. Lou pours himself a glass and sits beside Mandy. As a disc of 60's Madonna music plays in the background. The night was going great. Lou had Mandy laughing, Mandy had Lou flattered by her compliments. It felt like a dream to Lou; he finally had someone to open up to. Someone who'd care for him as much as he cares for them. The doll could already imagine their future: both married, living in a new and luxurious house, maybe have a kid and a cute pet for them to play with. The thought made Lou grin in pure delight.

It took half an hour before both dolls drank their wine and poured another glass. Lou stands up, straightens his suit jacket, then reaches his hand out to Mandy. "You're ready for that dance my dear?" He winks, earning a small laugh from her. She accepts his hand, letting him pull her up. "I'm tots ready Loulou." The doll giggles, slightly buzzed from the wine. Although Mandy has had 2 wines, she already felt a bit faint. Maybe it was because it has been a while since her last drink. She wraps her arms around his neck. Lou secures his arms around her waist, pulling her close against him. A light shade of red flushes Mandy's cheeks, from being so close to the most beautiful doll in the institution. Being in Lou's presence made Mandy forget all of her worries. He was one of the few dolls she feels calm around. Most of the time, she was on guard with other dolls. Just so she could hide one of her shameful insecurities; her poor eyesight. With Lou, she felt she could trust him. It'd be nice to tell another doll about her eyesight... but is it too early? Mandy didn't want Lou to be repulsed by her glasses. He wants dolls to be perfect, what would he do if found out?

Mandy was so lost in thought, she didn't realize they were now swaying together. Her head fell onto Lou's shoulder, her eyes staring up at Lou. He had his eyes close, quietly humming along with the song. It was as if a dream of his were coming true. To finally have his beautiful and unique doll in his arms. If only this moment could last forever- "Hey Lou!! I have something to ask you!!" Unfortunately, a visitor at the door interrupts this perfect moment for Lou. Mandy- who slowly began to drift to sleep- opens one of her eyes. To look down the hall questionably, "Who'd come here at 10 in the evening?" She mumbles, feeling surprisingly dizzy. Lou carefully unwraps her arms off of his neck. Before guiding her to sit on the couch. "I'll be right back, just stay here." He said, but it sounded more of a commandment than a suggestion. Mandy lays on her side, watching Lou stomp down the hall. Irritated at the visitor who ruined his date. He opens the door, giving a sour look at the doll. It was that annoying blue-haired doll. "What do you want Tuesday? I'm busy." Tuesday blushes, finding his cold glare oddly alluring. Then again, anything Lou did she found hot.

"Look, I know it's rather late to ask this. But it's been on my mind for hours now and I need an answer." Lou huffs, getting impatient. He needed to attend to the only doll he cares for. "Do you... I mean, would you go on date with me?" Lou did his best to hold in his laugh of disbelief. Luckily, only a small chuckle escaped. "Wow, that's flattering Tuesday. But I ain't interested." Lou tries to close the door on Tuesday. However, she pushes her foot between the door to stop it from closing. Guess she isn't giving up. "W-wait! Can't we at least try one? We haven't properly talked and wouldn't it be nice to have someone to talk to?" She suggests.'I already have a doll for that' Lou thought, irritated by this doll's determination. Couldn't she date another random doll..? Then again, he could this 'date' to his advantage. It can be a way to get Tuesday and his self alone. Make her believe he has some amount of interest for her, get her somewhere secluded, then get rid of her. It'll be easy as pie.

Lou forms a smirk, opening the door fully. "You know what, it'll be nice to have some one-on-one time with a work colleague. Besides, this will be only a one time thing Tuesday. And no one can know; if any other dolls knows I'm going on dates, dolls will be swarming me and constantly asking for dates." A squeal jumps from her mouth. Causing the blonde to flinch, somewhat startled by her overreaction. With a big jump in her step she begins to skip away fro Lou's house. Before waving back to him with a huge grin, "Thank you Lou! We'll meet at 2 PM!" Tuesday was quick to leave, due to all of her excitement. She wishes to smear this in Kitty's and Lydia's face. The girls who always teased her for this 'silly crush'. But she'll promise to keep this quiet for Lou. Lou closes his front door, then loudly groans. But the sound of low snore makes him pause. Remembering of his lovely doll who was still in the living room. He takes a minuet to calm his self, before walking back into the living room. "Apologizes my dear, but an idiotic doll was-" He views Mandy fast asleep on his couch. She laid on her left side, her cheek against the arm of the chair. Looks like the pills worked quicker than Lou expected. He spiked her wine so he could have an excuse to have her for the night. Blaming it on her drinking too much. Lou just wants to at least cuddle her for the night. Probably give her a kiss too. 

Honestly, Mandy sleeping was a fairly cute sight. So why not seize this moment and take a photo? Lou swiftly grabbed his phone and snapped of couple of photos. Around 10 to 15 photos. If only she had those adorable glasses on; it would make Mandy look much better. After taking some photos, he decides to have a closer look. As if he wasn't close enough. Lou raises his left hand, gently begins to stroke Mandy's cheek. Although a small groan leaves her mouth, she doesn't wake up. The tip of his index finger traces her bottom lip. Feeling how soft her plump lips were against his skin. Even though he was very tempted to kiss those lips of hers; he couldn't. He wants their kisses for both of them to enjoy. So he settles with a quick kiss on her cheek. Before leaving to sleep the night away in his bed.

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