Stupid Cupid

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Once the lesson ended, many of the dolls noticed Lou was talking with Mandy again. It was odd to see Lou focus on one doll only. Although most dolls just minded their own business, there was a group of fangirls (Some being fanboys) gawking at them. Pondering on how a dull doll like Mandy could have Lou's full attention. Mandy was aware of their glares of jealously; so she wanted to leave as quickly as she could. "W-well, I gotta get going now Lou." Mandy excuses, grabbing her paper notes from her desk. Lou pouts, "Aw really? That's a shame. Where are you going?" Mandy awkwardly grins. She can't just say 'I'm going somewhere far away from your fans so they don't kill me'. "I'm, erm, going to Kitty's house. Just to hang out." Her hands go behind her back. Her fist tightens around her notes due to her nerves. Lou is aware of Mandy being desperate to leave; was it because of him? Did he go too far or something? He watches as Mandy takes a quick glance behind him. Lou turns his head to see the group of fans. Making him groan, "Great." He says sarcastically, before turning his head back. "I must be leaving as well my dear." Lou places his hand under Mandy's chin, causing her to blush from the contact. He leans up to plant a kiss onto her forehead; making not only Mandy but the group of fans shocked. "Au revoir." He whispers, before moving away from the flustered doll. Then he turns to walk to the group. Satisfied by Mandy's reaction.

Mandy froze in surprise for a small moment, before she breaks out of her stare and swiftly turns. Fast walking away from the area. How come she felt so vulnerable around Lou? As if she was a deer in the headlights. Her heart beat quickens just from the sight of Lou; a wink from Lou could cause a heart attack. Why does she becomes so nervous around him? Is it because she--NO! No, no she can't love him. That's ridiculous. "Ugh, come on Mandy. How come you suddenly care for him like this?" Mandy grunts, kicking small rock on the sidewalk. "Did cupid hit me with an arrow or something?" She questions herself. Why would cupid do this to her; make her fall in love with a perfect doll like Lou. 

"Stupid Cupid You're a real mean guy

I'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly
I'm in love and it's a crying shame
and I know that you're the one to blame

Hey Hey Set me Free

Stupid Cupid stop picking on me

I can't do my homework and I can't think straight
I meet him every morning bout half past eight
I'm acting like a lovesick fool
You've even got me carrying your books to school

Hey Hey Set me Free

Stupid Cupid stop picking on me 

You messed me up for good right from the very start
Hey now, go play Robin Hood with somebody else's heart
You got me jumping like a crazy clown
and I don't feature what your putting down

Well since I kissed his loving lips of wine
the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine

Hey Hey set me free

You got me jumping like a crazy clown
and I don't feature what your putting down
Hey since I kissed his loving lips of wine
the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine

Hey Hey set me free

Stupid Cupid stop picking on me

Hey Hey set me free

Stupid Cupid stop picking on me

Stupid Cupid (8x)"

Mandy was now in front of Kitty's house. Knocking again and again. Until the door was swiftly opened, "Wha!--oh it's only you Mandy." Kitty's face softens, seeing it was only a friend of hers. Mandy jogs into the house. Entering the living room, to sit down onto the light pink couch. "Sorry for popping in unannounced, but I need some advice." "So you need advice and I was your first thought to go to?" Kitty asks, sitting next to Mandy. Who answers with a small nod, "Yeah. I mean, it's about love." Kitty giggles from the sentence that came out of her friend's mouth. "Seriously? I know nothing about love." "B-but you did have guys flirt with you." Kitty raise an eyebrow. "So?" "How do you they're not messing with you?"

Kitty was slightly surprised by this question. She didn't really have an answer; when guys began to flirt with her, she just ignored them most of the time. Most boys that flirted with her wasn't her type; most dolls weren't. "Ah, well...if the guy continues to flirt, then there's a high chance that he is into you." That was the best Kitty could answer. Mandy glances to the side, pondering on Lou. If he does genuinely like her, she wants to know why. She finds herself to be some plain doll, a plain doll who isn't perfect. Thanks to her unfortunate eye sight. "Hang on, why're you asking me this?" Her question causes Mandy's cheeks to go a slight red. Kitty soon realizes the reason why. She sighs and stands up, crossing her arms. "I know Lou, and I've never seen him act like that around any other doll. That should show you that he likes and is interested in you. He kissed your hand for dolls sake!" Mandy forms a small smile, feeling abit reassured by Kitty. "I-I guess you're right." "Guess? I know I'm right." Kitty says, making Mandy chuckle.

Mandy stands up, "Thanks for the advice, Kitty. It does help me think a little bit easier." Kitty just shrugs. "Hey, no problem Mandy. It's not everyday I actually help someone." She jokes, hoping to lighten her friend's mood. Mandy smiles, as she begins to walk to the front door. She looks back and waves, "Thanks again Kitty." When Mandy looks back in front of her, she accidentally bumps just beside the door. Making her step backwards, "Whoa! You ok?" Kitty questions, concerned for Mandy's face. "Y-yeah I'm fine!" Mandy says quickly, very embarrassed by her clumsiness. Before she could hear Kitty speak another word, she grabs the door handle and runs out of the house. Not wanting to become even more embarrassed by her eye sight.

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