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Mandy took a small bite out of her tuna sandwich, listening to Lydia rant about some new piece of clothing she bought. Lou wasn't teaching today, which was rather odd. The doll usually attended every lesson. Now he couldn't teach for the day. Perhaps he had gotten sick? "Hey Mandy?" Hearing Tuesday's voice pulls Mandy out of her head. "Y-yeah?" She smiles timidly, hoping her friend didn't notice her spacing out. "I, uh, was wondering but, do you like Lou?" Tuesday asks, rubbing her elbow nervously. She has notice the looks each doll has given to one another: Lou would have a glint of admiration in his eyes, whilst Mandy gives Lou those glassy eyes that most fangirls (and herself) do. Tuesday just wants to be sure on how Mandy feels about the blonde. "Erm, yes I do. Most dolls do. Why do you ask anyway?" As Mandy questions her friend, Lydia butts in to answer for Tuesday. "Cause she has the hots for Lou." Tuesday blushes, nudging her friend aside in embarrassment. Mandy already knew about the blue haired girl's crush; everybody did.

Lydia and Kitty got back to their small conversation, as Tuesday started to talk again. "I may like like Lou, but I just wanted to be sure you only like him as a friend!" Mandy tilts her head, slightly confused. Tuesday raises an eyebrow, "Since you only like him. Not like like him." Mandy ungainly smiles whilst nodding. 'Yeah, I totally like Lou as a friend and nothing more.' She thought sarcastically. Although Mandy wouldn't say she loved Lou, she was attracted to the doll. Then again, who isn't attracted to him? Mandy just didn't want to rush things. She needs to be sure about her feelings. The dolls continued to eat, but that didn't last long. Thanks to a voice shouting the brown girl's name. Mandy and the spy girls look in that direction of the voice. Watching Moxy run over to their table. Mandy looks back to the small group, seeing their judgmental glares. Basically telling Mandy to get rid of the Uglydoll. She stands up and runs towards the smaller doll. Making sure they had some distance from the spy girls. Just so they wouldn't be rude with Moxy or be mad at her. "Hey Moxy! Is there anything you need?" She asks, letting Moxy have a small breather from her running. "K-kinda. I haven't seen my friends in a while. I was wondering if you'd seen them." Moxy seemed to be desperate and worried. The poor thing was going crazy looking for her friends. She even asked a couple of dolls in the institution for her friends (those dolls either ignored her or told her no just to get away from her). "I haven't Moxy, but I'll keep an eye out for them." Mandy says, hoping it could lighten her friend's mood up. She hates to see Moxy like this. So distressed and panic-stricken.

"Are all of them gone or is it just one?" Mandy asks, kneeling down to Moxy's height. The Uglydoll shakes her in disappointment. "Almost all of them. It's only Lucky bat and me left." Mandy takes a moment to think. Before placing a comforting hand onto Moxy's shoulder. "Maybe Lou knows where Uglydog is. You said he was going to Lou's to talk about music right?" Moxy answers with a nod. "Well, Uglydog might be staying at Lou's for awhile. Then your other friends went to Lou's to check up on him!" Mandy speculates. The idea does make Moxy less worried for her friends. Thinking they were just spending sometime with another doll. It was rather stupid of her to imagine that some doll had kidnapped them or something. A bright smile forms onto Moxy's, "Y-yeah! You're right! I need to go to Lou's. I'll see ya later!" Moxy waves goodbye to her friend, as she ran down the street. Heading to Lou's penthouse.

Now that Mandy thinks about it; it does seem rather weird that she hasn't seen Uglydog in a while. Especially when their last encounter was getting flirty. They both were actually getting along pretty well. Aside from Uglydog's flirting, she did enjoy his company. The doll was rather funny. But after he bragged about 'collabing' with Lou for a show; he hasn't been seen since. Then again, maybe her paranoia was playing tricks on her. She shouldn't be thinking like Moxy did a couple of moments ago. The doll was probably still at Lou's... yeah that must be it. It's not like Lou got rid of Uglydog or something... right?

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