One By One Goes

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It was early in the morning when Lou had finally gotten the two parts of Ox into his sewing room. It was hard to take both parts upstairs; the corpse's blood was going almost everywhere! It was exhausting to clean up. Took him around 3 hours to have everything 100% clean. But now that he had Ox gone, he needs to plan out who's next. Perhaps that big doll, Bubo was his name right?.. wait, no it was Babo. It could be a bit difficult to get rid of a big doll like him. Seeming that Babo eats a lot (actually eats anything), Lou could just poison him. It'll be an easy and quick way to get rid of the doll. Before leaving his house, he grabbed a small box of rat poison (along with a knife just in case). Hiding it inside of his suit jacket. Lou begins to walk around the institution, searching for the grey uglydoll. It may take awhile to actually poison him. Babo is mostly around that group of uglydolls. It's rare to see that doll alone. Unless he is with food. Lou checks at the supply shed, where the uglydolls were staying. He peeks through the window; all of them were inside... actually, all but the very doll he was looking for. It was only 5:30 in the morning. Why would Babo be up this early in the morning? He never seemed to be the early bird type.

Well, the robots are making breakfast for those dolls. Babo may of gotten up early to eat? Lou goes to the pubic dinner tables. Where some dolls can have the robots make their food instead of doing it themselves. Upon seeing the first small area (There was 5 tables in the small area), he views Babo. Swiftly chewing down on a large amount of pancakes. By Babo's left, there was four dirty, empty plates. Lou scoffs at the display. This uglydoll was an animal. Who doesn't have the decency to at least excuse himself after burping. Getting rid of this uglydoll could be a relief to (almost) everyone. Lou holds in his disgust, making his way to the doll. Who quickly notices him, "Hey Lou!" Babo waves, small piece of food coming out of his mouth. Lou bends his back slightly, avoiding any of the food that was spitted in his direction. He manages to hold his grin, from it turning to an angry frown. "Hello Babo. I see you're the only one up. Why is that?" The uglydoll answers by pointing to the small amount of food left on his last plate whilst nodding. "Wow, you sure eat a lot don't cha?" Lou chuckles, hesitantly placing hand onto Babo's shoulder. Who nods once more, continuing to eat more of his food. "Well~ how about I have the robots make a bigger and more excellent meal for you?" Babo frantically nods, curious about this big and excellent meal Lou was on about. Lou smirks, patting his shoulder before entering the small kitchen.

Lou gently taps a robot's shoulder, gaining their attention. "That doll over there-" He points out of the open window, pointing to Babo. "-has requested for some spicy Moroccan eggs. That isn't too complicated, correct?" "It isn't at all sir! I'll get right on to it." The robot begins to cook. It didn't take long for the exotic breakfast to be complete. These robots could get anything done in less than 10 minuets. Before the robot sends out the meal, Lou stops him. "There's no need! I'll take this to the doll. You just continue your work." The robot does as he's told, leaving the kitchen to check on some frozen meat. Lou takes out the rat poison, rapidly shaking the open box around the food. Having the poison mix in with the eggs. He places the box back into his suit jacket, walking out of the kitchen. Placing the plate of poisoned food in front of Babo. The uglydoll's grin widens upon staring down at the delicious food. "Oh my-Lou! This is amazing." Babo compliments, picking up his knife and fork. 'He was eating only with his hands? How repulsive. How did I not notice that before?' Lou thought, glaring down at Babo. "Eat up, friend!" He gritted his teeth as he said friend, holding in his anger at the doll. He turns and fast-walks away, hiding behind a corner.

He wanted to see Babo choke. He wanted to see him suffer. Babo (Like the other uglydolls) was going to ruin everything, so he needs to die. The uglydoll took three fast bites into the Moroccan eggs. Taking a rather long moment, before the poison catches up to Babo's stomach. Lou watches with a sinister gaze. Watching Babo slowly die. No one was around to help him. He couldn't scream. He couldn't stop the pain. He was going to die. Babo coughs again and again. His throat was burning. He falls backwards, falling off of the seat. His legs laying on the seat instead of his bottom. Staring up to the sky, his hand reaching out. Wishing for someone to find him and save him... But it was too late. Babo's hand falls to his side. His dull, lifeless eyes wide open. Lou grin's, attempting to hold in his laughter. However, that he couldn't contain his self. He bursts out into a mechanical laughter. Strands of his hair slightly popping out of his slick hair. Lou loved this thrill. The thrill of getting rid of those dolls which would take his Mandy away. No one gets to have her but him. Lou needs her. He understands her. He-

"What in the--Oh my doll, BABO!!!"

Lou twists to the side, there was a scared orange uglydoll standing there. Staring in utter shock at her dead friend. She heard his laughing. She heard the small volume of someone coughing. At first, she thought it was nothing too serious. Just some idiotic doll who ate their food too quick. But she was wrong. It was one of her friends. Dieing just a few seconds away from her. Away from Lou. Who was just... laughing at them. Wage began to piece the facts together. Lou hastily reaches into his pants pocket. Grabbing his knife's handle. "You... What did you do?!" Wage takes rapid steps towards the blonde. Her fists tightening beside her hips. Ready to beaut him up. Once Wage was right in front of Lou, he pulls out his knife. Swiftly pushing it into her stomach. She gasps upon impact. Opening her hands, as her eyes move down in utter shock. Taking a moment to stare at the knife inside her, before looking back up to Lou. He was smirking. It was fucking sick. Lou pulls it out, pushing Wage to the floor. She didn't have time to react. Lou was already on top of her. Stabbing the blade back down, into her heart this time. Wage screams as loud as she could; hoping at least the robots would hear her cries for help. Lou lifts his hand up to her mouth, keeping her cries muffed. Repeating to stab her chest. He continued to stab time and time again. Not caring if a robot or doll witnessed the scene. Lou just wanted Wage dead. Nothing will get in the way of him and his work.

Nothing at all.


Moxy has been in a befuddled state since she'd woken up. Two of her friends were missing. So it left Uglybat and herself in the 'suite'. It was unusual to see Babo up so early. Unless the robots here made breakfast at 5 in the morning. A part from that, why would Wage be up at the same time as him? She wasn't much of an early bird. And what about Uglydog? He didn't come back from Lou's house. What if he got hurt? What if he got lost? What if-- Moxy frantically shakes her head. Breaking from her stare out of the window. She shouldn't be thinking negative. Through all of these trials, she never thought negative about anything. Ambition always went through her veins. No matter what was thrown at her. So why is she thinking like that now: Uglydog probably slept in Lou's due to how late it was, Babo must be at breakfast and Wage joined him... yeah. That's what totally happened.

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now