Be By My Side

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Mandy was wandering around the institution, as dolls began to head home. The sun lowering to let the night stars come alight. The doll had too much on her mind; mostly focused on her friends. She hasn't seen any of them in 7 hours. Her fear was slowly rising due to this. They couldn't of just left without even a goodbye. Something must've happened to them... but what? "Doll 11256." Mandy turns to see one of the robots. Holding an blue envelope in his hand. "Erm, yeah?" "This is for you." The robot answers plainly, offering the envelope to Mandy. She questionably glances down at the envelope. Before looking back up to the robot. "Who is it from?" Robot begins to wheel away. "It says in the envelope doll 11256. Goodbye!" The robot leaves Mandy. Since she was curious of who wanted to give her the envelope, she swiftly gripped it open. Inside was a white card, along with a rose. On the card, it had fancy writing saying 'Go to the hill just outside of the area. I have a special treat for you up there. ~Signed your perfect doll' The female giggles, understanding who this perfect doll was. With some eagerness in her step, she begins to skip towards the hill just outside of the institution. Which has the perfect birds eye view of the whole area.

After what seemed like an eternity of stumbling up the hill, she finally got up at the top. Her chocolate eyes glistened upon viewing the scenery: Lou was standing in a dazzling black suit, there was a table with two seats across from one another, on top of the table was two plates of spaghetti, having a lit candle in the middle. It was beautiful, especially when it's accompanied with the sunset. Lou takes the rose out of his breast pocket, offering it to Mandy. "You came just on time, mi amor." Mandy accepts the rose, amazed that Lou could speak Spanish. "Wow Lou, thanks. I didn't know that you could speak Spanish." She says, sitting on the left side of the table. Lou sits down across from her, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me. Did you know I'm a brilliant cuisine chef?" Mandy picks up the fork. "I'll be the judge of that." She smirks, before digging into her food. Although Mandy didn't notice, but there was a more brighter red in the food. Something Lou had definitely noticed. He smiles, watching Mandy eat the food which he made with much love and care. Mandy looks up from her food with a satisfied grin, "Oh my doll- this is amazing LouLou!" She compliments. Upon hearing the nickname 'LouLou', the blonde couldn't help but chuckle. It was a sweet nickname; one that he was never called before. He liked it.

"LouLou? Oh darling, you're too sweet!" He chuckles, placing his fork into the spaghetti. Twirling the noodles around his fork. Before putting the fork in his mouth. Tasting the beautiful flavor of his food... Along with a piece of that Lucky bat in the food. Mandy smiles from the compliment, continuing to eat her food. Unknowing to the small amount of her Uglydoll friend was in the food. During the date, the two dolls began to fall more for each other. Every time Mandy laughed, Lou smiled. Every time Lou made a joke, Mandy smiled. The date has made Mandy forget about her friends, since her mind is mainly focused on Lou now. He knew how to keep people's attention on him. Once they finished their meal, it was time for Lou to ask Mandy to be his. He couldn't wait any longer; he needed her to be Lou stands up, "Mandy, I need to tell you something important." The doll looks up at him questionably. "Ok then, what is it?" He gently holds her chin, secure her gaze up at him. Causing some red to flush over Mandy's cheeks. Lou leans down, having his face closer to the flustered doll. "I... I really like you. You're a special and incredible doll to me. I want to spend more time with you and learn more of you... So what I'm trying to ask is; will you be my girl?" A quiet gasps leaves Mandy's parted lips. In utter shock. This was unbelievable to her; the most perfect doll in the institution wants to date her? No words would come out, so she just nods. Staring deeply into his baby blue eyes. Lou grins, before connecting his lips with hers. Forming a passionate kiss. It was as if Mandy was in a trance; mesmerized by what was occurring. Lou was a good kisser.

Mandy slowly kisses back, Lou opens his eyes to view his beautiful doll. This was perfect for him. Nothing could get in between them now. Those Uglydolls are gone so nobody could ruin this. Mandy opens her mouth obscurely. Letting Lou's tongue immediately dart in. Claiming every cavern of his girl's mouth. A small moan escapes Mandy's mouth. A smirk creeps onto Lou's face, happy Mandy was getting pleasure from him. After 2 mins (or possibly more), they both part lips. Looking at each other in silence. Lou's eyes travel to Mandy's hands (Which were on her lap). He carefully takes both, pulling Mandy up with him. "I'm guessing that is a yes." He laughs, Mandy soon following. Although hers was more of a nervous laugh, since that was her first kiss. "If you'd like, we can continue this date at mine." Mandy blushes even more. "L-Lou, you're not insinuat-" "No, no! I meant by having some wine and a dance. I wanted this to end with a slow dance; unfortunately I didn't have enough time to bring my music with me. So why not end this date at my place?" He explains, hoping Mandy will say yes. The thought of Lou holding her waist, their bodies so close together as they swayed to some lovely music. Made Mandy smile in delight. How could she turn down something so good? "Alright then, let's go and dance."

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