Are You Ok Lou?

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Lou stood silent for a small moment, trying to think of some sort of excuse. Tuesday tilts her head, "Erm, Lou?" The blonde in question laughs. Wiping his left cheek with his index finger. "Oh this? This isn't blood. I accidentally slipped with some red wine in my hand. It splashed all over my face! Guess I missed some of it." He licks off the blood from his finger. There wasn't much of a taste to the blood surprisingly. Kitty lets out an awkward giggle, "Sure. Anyway, we got that weird bunny. Want us to bring him in?" She asks, grabbing the top of the bag. Lou shakes his head, "No no, not here. Take him to my shed. It'll be more private there." The girls nod in unison. Lydia and Kitty grab the bag, dragging it to the side of Lou's penthouse. Then around the corner, heading to the backyard. Tuesday stays to timidly smile, "Are you ok Lou? You seem stressed." Lou raises his hand, to stop her from walking closer to him. "I'm fine. Just go and do your job, instead of drooling all over my porch." He states bluntly, before closing the door in front of her face.

He may need to be quick. The spy girls may work (and worship) for him, but they'll for snitch on him for being a killer. There was no police here, however the robots had some sort of authority in this institution. Even if they work for Lou, humans programmed them to be more of the watchers and protectors of the dolls. So if they found out about Lou's murder, they'll throw him away. No way will he let that happen. He can't leave his Mandy. Lou runs down the hallway, entering his living room. He takes a moment to think of where to put the body; originally he was going to put the body in his shed. However, he can't do that anymore. Maybe... he can put the corpse in his sewing room. Lou smiles, staring down at the body. 'Well, I can make this uglydoll something better.' He grabs the corpse's back legs. Then begins to drag him to the stairs. Hearing Uglydog's head head bump against each step as he pulled him up. It didn't matter that his blood was dragging along too. Lou could just clean it up later. He hauls the body to the second floor and into the sewing room. Throwing the body beside the small table. Which had the sewing machine on. In the middle of the room. Lou took some old fabric to wipe the blood off of the floor, stairs and his hands. Before leaving through the back, seeing his pool and open shed.

Lou lumbers over to the shed's open doorway, seeing that the girls had placed the bag in the corner. The doll inside was moving around, trying to get out the bag. "Ugh, let me out!" Lou walks closer to the bag. Smiling down at the bag. The doll manages to use his long ears to push the top of the bag. Getting out of the bag. "Where am I? Who's in charge here?!" He demands, raising his fists. Ready to fight who ever kidnapped him. However, his lowers them once his eye lands on the blonde doll. Who was staring down at him. "Hello, old friend." "L-Lou?" Ox couldn't believe it. Why would his friend want to kidnap him? Didn't he tell him to leave this place? "They know each other?" Lydia asks, looking at the two girls beside her. "He just said L-Lou. Keep up!" Kitty groans, glaring at Lydia. Ox stares back up at Lou, taking short looks to the side in confusion. Lou gazes over his shoulder, grinning at the spy girls. "Thank you girls for getting my old friend back. The three of you can have the rest of the night for yourself." Kitty just shrugs her shoulders, "Ugh, alright Lou." Lydia says, following behind Tuesday and Kitty. Closing the shed door behind the three. Leaving Lou and Ox alone in the shed.

"Wha...what is going on Lou?" Ox stands up, looking around him. Confused as ever. Lou takes a short glance to his gardening supplies. Pondering on which weapon he could use on Ox: shears, a hammer, shovel, pruning saw. Too many to choose from. "Well, a couple of your village folk have somehow got into the institution. I just need you to tell them to head back home." Lou takes two steps toward his wall of tools. Staring at a certain item. Ox raises an eyebrow, "Village folk? Who on earth would--oh! M-Moxy..." Lou smirks, side-glancing at the bunny. Lifting his left hand to grip onto the hedge shears handle. "So, you do know her?" "Y-yeah, we're good friends. I... I can't believe she actually got here." Ox turns away from Lou, beginning to walk towards a small window. Which was beside the shed door. Lou carefully pulls the hedge shears off of the wall. Now holding both handles. Opening the blades. He begins to silently creep behind Ox, who begins to talk again. "Oh no, she'll be heart broken when she finds out about the truth of us Uglydolls. There has to be something I can do to stop her. To stop her from getting her heart broken. Lou, I-" He stops, upon hearing a loud snip.

Ox's eye widen, his pupil slowly moving down to stare at his throat. As blood began to escape a long horizontal cut across his neck. He was rapidly losing blood. As his head slowly slipped off of his body. Falling onto the floor. His body quickly following his head. Blood flooding the floor, creating a big pool of blood. Lou huffs, taking a tissue from the inside of his suit jacket. Wiping the blood away from the hedge shear blades. "Apologies old friend, but I can't let anyone interfering with my life. Not even my so called friends." Lou places the now cleaned sheaves back onto the wall. He checks outside by the window, making sure no one was there (just in case). He exits the shed, he'll tidy the mess up in the morning. For now, Lou will begin his idea with the 1st corpse, then will go to be bed.

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