A Moment Of Vulnerability

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Lydia stares up at the posters, tattered cross the walls around each street of the institution.

'MISSING: Nolan Last Seen On Monday 8th March.'

'MISSING: Kitty Last Seen On Tuesday 2nd March'

MISSING:Mandy Last Seen On Tuesday 2nd March'

It has been weeks and there was zero news of them. Lydia was losing hope as each day had passed. She was on her own now; all of her friends were missing. Nobody -the robots- couldn't understand nor solve their disappearances. They were just so sudden. Lydia was upset, angry and full of grief. She just wanted to see them again, to see that they're alive and well. Lydia gives out a sigh of sadness, before going back down the street.

As the doll walks down the street, she scans each house that went by. Stopping when she sees Nolan's house. Noticing how there was no signs or tape that tell dolls from not entering the area. She found it odd how Kitty's and Mandy's house were taped up, yet Nolan's wasn't. Lydia looks up and down the street; there's wasn't that many dolls around. Only 2-3 that could only see her figure due to the long distance between them. Lydia takes a deep breathe in, then out, jogging inside the house. She doesn't truly know what to search for, but something that could be out of the ordinary. Like a broken lamp or something.

Lydia searched every single room so far, the final one was Nolan's bedroom. She searches through the draws; nothing but clothing. She searches the desk; nothing other an magazines and romance novels. She searches under the bed; some dusty old boxes and- a diary? She takes out the diary, the cover was a light green with neat writing. The writing was 'Only for Nolan to read'. Lydia opens the diary to the newest entry. The date on the page was on the 8th March. She begins to read the entry, it starts with Nolan talking out his morning. Nothing special here. She continues on. About half way down the page is when she finds something that is a clue. It says about Nolan being so anxious, because Lou had told him to go over to his place for a date. That was the last part of the entry. Could have Lou done something to Nolan? Lydia needs to find out.


Mandy didn't care as much as to what happens to her. She has surprisingly gotten use to this hell of hers. She... actually started to like it. Lou was being nicer to her, respecting when she wanted to be alone, hell, he even allowed her to go outside of the bedroom to do some activities (as long as she didn't try to escape). Mandy hated that she began to like Lou, but she couldn't stop herself. Her feelings usually went back and forth; one day she'd hate him and wouldn't want to near him, then liking him, then right back to hating him.

It was around lunch time and Lou came home early to make some food for Mandy. He made a quick and easy salad for her, along with a glass of milk. Lou gently opens his bedroom door with his foot, since he had to hold the tray with both hands. "dear? You awake?" Mandy pops her head out of the open wardrobe. Giving Lou a small smile, "H-hi Lou! I was just looking through your wardrobe" Mandy explains clumsily. He places the tray onto the counter, before walking over to Mandy. "I'm kinda surprised by how many suits you have." Mandy comments, opening more of the sliding door to the gigantic room. Rows of hanged up suits on one side and the other had more casual clothing. Lou smiles, "Well, when you're a doll like me you must be presentable whenever you're out. So I must have a variety of suits to advance my class to other dolls."

Mandy looks over to her lunch, "Thanks for making me lunch." She walks over to the counter and sits down. Digging into the salad. Lou just stands beside the counter, watching her eat. He did have a small amount of guilt inside him. After all, he believed getting rid of those dolls that'd get in the way for their love, would be a good thing. Of course, anyone who was sane (like Mandy) would disagree. "Mandy?" She stops eating to glance up at Lou. "Yes?" He suddenly gets down on his knees. Taking hold of both of Mandy's hands, making her faintly blush. It has been awhile since he properly touched her. He would always keep his distance whenever she requested him to. 

"I'm sorry." His words had taken Mandy back. "I'm sorry about everything that I've done to upset you... I just-" He begins to shake. "-wanted you to stay with me. Not to leave me in this institution for some kid. You're one of the 'perfect' dolls that is different. I can't let someone as unique as you leave me." Lou bites his bottom lip, hiding the tears that desperately want to push out of his eyes. "I'm so sorry Mandy, but I don't want you to leave me. I-I can't live without you.. I-" His head darts to her lap. Repetitively saying the phrase 'I'm sorry' into her lap. All that Mandy could do was watch Lou pour his heart out. There was a part of her that sympathized with him, but she had to remind herself that he was her kidnapper. Not her boyfriend (not anymore at least). Mandy gently raises her hand -hesitating for a moment- then pets Lou's hair. Comforting the crying doll. "It's ok." She whispers, before leaning over to kiss his head.

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