Getting Rid Of Uglydog

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Uglydog knocks three times onto the oak wooden door. He waits patiently until the door was pulled open. To see Lou, grinning down at him. "Ah! There you are Uglydog. You're just on time." Lou greets, moving to side. Letting Uglydog strut into his home. Lou closes the door and jogs ahead of Uglydog. To point him over to the living room. "Cool place Lou! Now I've got some-" Uglydog pauses upon viewing the living room. The furniture has been moved right against the walls. Leaving the middle of the room to have a lot of space. There was also a lot of newspapers covering the floor. Uglydog begins turn back to the living rooms door, "Yo dawg, why are there-" His voice lets out a grunt. His head now having the blade of an axe in his forehead. He stared up at his forehead, a trail of blood falling beside his eye. Before his eye followed the hand which was holding the axe. Seeing the hand was Lou's. Glaring down at Uglydog with so much hate. Lou's cold look sent shivers down Uglydog's spine. It was look no one has ever given him. Uglydog's mouth was gape open, nothing other than small whimpers of fear coming out. He couldn't say anything, let alone knew what to say.  Lou smirks, letting out some low giggles. His hands slightly shaking, making the axe move a little. Causing more pain for Uglydog. Lou raises his left foot, to have it push against Uglydog's chest. Having him fall back, onto the paper covered floor. Pulling the axe out of the uglydoll's forehead.

Lou walks towards the cowering doll, who weakly tries to crawl backwards. Trying to avoid the laughing psychopath. "B-back off, you freak!" Uglydog threatens, earning another sinister laugh from the blonde. "Freak? I'm sorry but the only freak I see here is you." Lou swings the axe down, landing it into Uglydog's Hock (Ankle). Uglydog screams, closing his eye to try to disregard the pain. Along with stopping any tears from emerging. Lou drags the axe out, blood splattering onto the newspapers. Lou huffs, noticing that a small amount of blood was on his face; specifically his cheeks and nose. "I wasn't planning on getting myself dirty. What a shame." He says to himself, ignoring Uglydog's mummers of pleading. "W...Why are ya' doing this?" Uglydogs asks, with shaky breaths in between his words. Some blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Lou's grip tightens on the weapon's handle. Thank to being reminded of the reason. Having the scene of Uglydog flirting with Mandy made his blood boil. "You tried taking my Mandy away from me. That pathetic flirting with her this afternoon. You tried to flirt with her." Lou uses the edge of the axe's blade to lift Uglydog's chin. Lifting it up to look at Lou. Face to face. "I'm doing this to make sure you'll never see, touch or talk to MY Mandy ever again." In one swift movement, Lou swerve the axe's blade towards Uglydog's neck. Going through his collar and into his neck. He pulls the axe out to have blood flood his floor. As Uglydog's body goes limp; he sees Lou's evil grin before everything went black.

Although Lou hated that it ended so quick, it was good that he punished the doll. Uglydog was making a weak attempt to steal his Mandy. What else could he do? Lou drops the axe, before crouching beside the now dead doll in his living room. His eyes scans the body, noticing the rather nice fabric the doll was made out of. A sudden thought pops into his head 'Well... I can't let this go to waste. Uglydolls may not be worth the attention, but I could make something better with him.' Lou was stuck on that thought. His hand reaching out to the body, softly stroking the fabric. He could-- Two sudden knocks breaks Lou out of his thoughts. He stands up in shock, his head turning to the hallway. Where he heard the sudden knocks. "Hey Lou! You in there?!" It was Kitty. They probably have Ox and info on Uglyville. Out of the times they come, it had to be now. Lou takes a deep in then out, straightening his suit, before leaving the living room. Heading down the hall to open his front door, "Hello, girls. I see you've got our special friend." Lou chuckles, gazing down at the brown bag between the three. The girls gave Lou questionable looks, which quickly caught his attention. "What's wrong girls?" He asks, for Lydia to answer. "Lou, t-there's blood on you cheeks."

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