A Form Of Jealousy

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The next morning was another lesson for Lou to teach. He may not be able to focus on his dear Mandy today. Since he has to get rid of a couple of problems first; being the uglydolls. Throughout the day, Lou was intervening with the Uglydolls trails. Trying to make them give up and lose hope in themselves. So they won't believe in themselves anymore and leave. Lou mostly kept his eyes on them, making sure that they failed every time they tried. He watched the blue dog trip over a small ball. Landing his face into some pink gum. If he could, Lou would've laughed out loud at the thing falling. But what happens next made him freeze in shock. Mandy jogs over to Uglydog, worry plastered all over her face. How come she was worried for that dog? All he did was trip? Lou didn't understand why she even payed attention to those dolls. They weren't perfect; so why bother being with them instead of him?

Mandy begins to speak to Uglydog, Lou was rather far away so he couldn't properly hear them talking. She stops to grab Uglydog's back legs. Then she begins to pull, trying to help him to get out of the gum. It takes a couple of attempts before she finally pulls him out. Causing for Mandy and the uglydoll to fall back. Falling onto her back, still holding Uglydog's legs. Lou was about to run over to help his dear Mandy, but pauses once he sees the two laugh. Slightly confusing him. 'Why were they laughing?' She lets go of Uglydog's legs, he quickly stands up on all fours. Nudging his head under Mandy's arm, helping her stand up. He then says something to Mandy. Something which makes Mandy laugh. Her cheeks going red. Lou's hands curl into fists, desperate to know what that freak had said. He notices a robot was standing much closer to the two dolls. The robot probably heard what he said. Lou makes eye contact with the robot; raising his left index finger. Telling him to come over. The robot rolls over to the blonde, once the robot was in front of Lou. The blonde's smile fades, forming a frown. "What did that uglydoll say to the woman?" Lou asks bluntly. The robot then repeats what Uglydog had said, "That doll said 'Guess you're already falling for me huh?'"

Lou freezes, trying to hold in his rage. Exasperation was spread all over his body. How dare that uglydoll even attempt to flirt with Mandy. As if she would go with that thing... right? 'No way, she won't leave me for an uglydoll.' He knows she won't do that. After all, why go with a uglydoll when she has him? Unless, he's not doing good enough. Mandy's probably getting bored of him. So she's going to those freaks instead...No. No no no no! He can't let that happen. He needs to stop them. To stop them from taking what's his. He'll have to get rid of them...now. Lou can't wait, he needs them gone at this very moment.


It was the end of training and Uglydog was exhausted. It's only been a day and he's already down to give up. He never knew it would be THIS hard on the first day. He stumbled towards his group of friends, but the call of his name stops him. "Uglydog!" His head turns to the source of the voice. Viewing it to be Lou. Holding his hands behind him. With a calm expression. "May I have a moment of your time?" Although Uglydog was skeptical of this, he turns to Lou. "Erm, sure. What cha' need?" "I was wondering, but I've heard that you're an incredible DJ. Am I correct?" Uglydog, clearly flattered by the compliment, smirks with confidence. His ego becoming slightly bigger. "Sure am dude." He winks, pushing his chest out. Lou holds his smile, trying his to not frown in annoyance. This doll was so irritating. "Well I'm hoping you can come over to mine, to learn what song we can perform for my next show. I'm sure you have some amazing music for one of my shows." As if Lou would actually let this uglydoll work with him. He was only saying this so he could get the doll alone with him. Warming up to his ego first, surely gets the dog to have his guard down. Which means Uglydog will obviously accept Lou's request.

Uglydog was speechless, shocked by Lou's request. He doesn't really trust Lou; but how can he say no to a proposition like that. It'd be amazing to have a whole crowd of people listen to his music. "I sure do! I'm down for this. Wanna start this tonight?" Lou nods. "Of course. Come over to my place at 9:30. My house is sound proof so nobody will bother us about the music." He explains, for Uglydog to nod understanding him. "'Ight I'm down for this. See ya till then dog." Uglydog turns and runs over to his group. As they walk away, Uglydog explains his small conversation Lou. Whilst the blonde doll makes his way home. With a sinister smirk.

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