Stalking Her

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Lou was lucky to escape from the large crowd of fans. They wouldn't leave him for even one second! He may love the attention, but it can get irritating at times. Especially when he has some personal business to attend to. Lou had his back against a house's wall, peeking over to watch Mandy. She was on her own, making her way home. The sun was just going down; now being the late noon. Lou wants to know how she acts at home. Maybe he could see her with those cute glasses again. He smiles, imaging that adorable face with those glasses. He watches her enter the plain small house. Once she closes the front door behind her, Lou sneaks to her house. Using the house as cover so nobody couldn't see him properly. Hiding in the shadows. The blonde doll creeps to the back of the house. Crouching under a window, looking through to the kitchen. A good view of seeing through the open doorway; to look through a part of the living room as well. He pops his head up enough to view the area. A smile creeps upon his face, seeing his Mandy. She was leaning against the back of couch, exhausted by the day she had. Lifting her right hand up to her forehead, closing her eyes. Trying to calm her nerves. She mutters something under her breathe; he was curious as to what she said.

Mandy moves to the left, leaving Lou's sight. He mentally curses in his head, how can he see his Mandy now? The blond quickly remembers that there's another window, by the left side of the house. He crawls his way to the left side, going under the window. His peeks over through the glass; there she was. A small smile forms onto his lips; she had on her glasses. 'How adorable' he thought. Lou wished he brought a camera with him, to capture her beauty. Next time, he will bring it. She was reading some kind of magazine, sitting on a yellow couch in the corner of the room. Which was beside the blue door (He believes) that she went through. Now that he thinks about, this house is ugly. Not a good place for his Mandy to live in. She doesn't deserve to be in such of an ugly house as this. An ugly house like all those other dolls have. Tomorrow, he needs to find her a new house to live in. Probably one much closer to his Penthouse... No he can't; Mandy might get weirded out by that. That's too suspicious and way too fast. For now, he'll let her live there. Maybe he can have those robots redesign the house in the near future. Lou continues to watch his Mandy. Anything she does he seems to adore. This was an odd feeling for him, but he wanted it to stay forever. It was a nice feeling.

After some time, Mandy seems to become bored of her magazine. She places it on the couch beside her, standing up with a quick stretch and a long yawn. Then exiting the room, going to bedroom Lou presumes. He should leave now; Lou needs his beauty sleep after all. Tomorrow he will chat with her more. Have her full trust and make her love for him. Lou moves away from the window before standing up. He lets out a low sigh, wishing he could stay longer. To watch out for his special doll. "Goodnight, my dear Mandy." He mutters, looking back to the window. Before he walks away from the house.

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now