He Can't Save You

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Lou waves the dolls goodbye, watching them leave their desks to continue with their day. Lou couldn't wait to get back home to see his Mandy. There's a chance she'll be good today and he could move her back to his room. He walks off of the stage, turning a corner to spot two male dolls -not so secretly- whispering to each other.

"Do you think he's even into guys?" The darker blonde-haired male questions. The other doll Lou recognizes to be Nolan. Lou quietly hides next to a box that wasn't too far from the gossiping dolls. "W-well, he could be. I mean, he did give flirty looks to some of the guys in the audience." This sentence confirms to Lou that they were talking about him. Although he was rather secretive about his sexuality, he did flirt with both men and women whenever he performed. Lou's not fully open about him being bisexual to anyone. "Good point. Right, I think you just walk up to Lou and ask him. No hesitation." The blonde suggests.

"Ask me what?" Both dolls jump from hearing Lou's voice. They turn with frightening looks, as if they were caught doing something illegal. Lou puts on an innocent smile. "E-erm, Nolan wants to ask you about something special! I gotta go see-ya!" The blonde doll was quick to run away, leaving a flustered Nolan to answer Lou's question. Nolan's cheeks couldn't stop from going red. He was so embarrassed, his crush was smiling right in front of him. Lou didn't seem disgusted or disappointed with Nolan this time.

Nolan gulps, letting the awkward silence drawn on. Lou takes two steps forward, making the other doll feel more intimidated. "Well? What is it? I don't have all day." Nolan laughs awkwardly, rubbing his elbow. "I-I um.. I wanted to ask a-about your dating." Nolan mentally slaps himself for saying it like that. "My dating?" The nervous doll only nods. His eyes advert away from Lou. Preparing himself for the humiliation he'll receive from the perfect doll once more. It stayed quiet for a rather long period of time. Mostly because Lou was thinking of how to resolve this. It was obvious - not only from the conversation but from the looks the doll would give him- Nolan had a crush on Lou (who wouldn't). If Mandy heard of this, surely she would be jealous. Lou can't have his lovely doll stress about this.

Lou giggles, "Aw~ do you want to go on a date with me?" Nolan's eyes widen just from the thought of being on a date with Lou. The doll everyone loves, adores and treats like royalty. "I-I-I guess- I mean yes- wait! I er-" Nolan didn't know how to respond. He was just so full of insecurity. Lou takes another two steps forward, being much closer to the shy doll. He stares deep into Lou's baby blue eyes. Holding his hands against his chest. Lou leans over him, "If you want to experience what a date would be like with me; come over to my house around 10 PM. Then I'll give you a night you'll never forget." There was a seductive tone in the blonde's voice. Causing Nolan's face to go fully red. Lou swiftly kisses Nolan's cheek, before leaving him stunned in utter shock.


Nolan looks out through the wall window to the night sky; It was a beautiful sight. Lou's house was built in a perfect place to have an overview of the institution and the sky. Lou had put on some calm, soothing music by a singer Nolan didn't recognize. "Are you alright Nolan?" He turns, quiet jumpy due to his nerves, and sees Lou in a different suit. It was now a dark blue suit with a red tie. "I-I'm fine!" Nolan looks around the living room. "It's just, your house is really nice." Nolan compliments, with a faint blush. Lou grins, "Thank you. Now, I'll need to use the restroom for a moment. Be back in a minuet!" Lou waves as he goes around a corner. Leaving Nolan in the living room.

He examines the room, viewing the amazing art on the walls. However, he freezes upon what he believes to be a small whimper. Coming from down the hall. At first, Nolan was hesitant to go snooping around. What if Lou gets upset? Then he doesn't get a chance to date him. There was another sound, but this time it was a small cry. Now he has to check it out. Nolan goes to the hallway, following the sound into a giant kitchen. Another cry; being much more louder now. He jogs towards the sound, being led to an closed door. The sounds were being made behind this door. Nolan steps towards it, leaning his left ear against the door. "H-hello?" He questions, hoping something would respond. Something did.

A loud gasp, "Nolan?"

It was Mandy. Nolan quickly pushes open the door, to see his friend tied with chains onto a bed. His mouth gapes open, beginning to shake thinking of the reasons Mandy was tied up. "Help me out!" Mandy yelps, breaking Nolan out of his frozen state. He runs over to her, pulling at the chains in an attempt to free her. "There's keys in that draw." She nudges her head to the counter at the end of the bed. Nolan was quick to open all three draws, finding the key in the last bottom one. He unlocks the chains, helping Mandy off of the bed. "Oh my- Mandy w-why, what-"

"There's no time. We need to get outta here before he finds us." She grabs Nolan's hand, running out of the maids room to head to the front door. Nolan had so many questions in his mind: why was she chained up? Was going to do something to her? Was he going to do the same with him? Mandy lead Nolan out to the hallway, her eyes light up upon seeing the front door just seconds away.


Mandy didn't stop running, but Nolan did. He stopped in fear of Lou's angered tone. Nolan twists his head behind him, only to be knocked down to the floor. Mandy looks back upon hearing that wack; Nolan was on the floor unconscious. Blood beginning to drip from the open wound on the side of his head. Her eyes dart to Lou, who was holding a now bloody sledge hammer. Lou's left eye twitches, as small strands of hair fall out of place. "Are. You. Trying to. Leave me!!?" He drops his weapon and sprints in Mandy's direction. She screams and ducks to her knees. Closing her eyes to prepare for a hit... but it didn't come. Instead, Lou clutches her arm and pulls her to stand up. Dragging her up the stairs, even though Mandy tried to pull and hit him multiple times to get away.

Lou kicks his bedroom door open, forcing Mandy inside. He closes the door behind him before grabbing her arms. Shaking her back and forth. Causing Mandy to cry. "Why must you be so disobedient?" His grip begins to strengthen on her arms. His nails digging into her skin. "Please Lou! J-just let me go!" This only causes for his grip to worsen. Blood slowly drips down her arms. "I love you. I'd do anything for you, hell, I'd even kill myself for you... yet, you still try to leave me." He throws Mandy to the floor, she grunts as her back hits the floor. Lou slicks his hair back, the strands going back to place. He turns on his heel and opens the door. Before looking back to the doll on the floor, "No one will EVER take you from me. Never." Were his final words before leaving the room, locking it.

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now