Tuesday Goes Missing

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It has been rather weird in the institution since Lou's and Mandy's first date. Although most dolls didn't like the Uglydolls, some were suspicious as to their disappearances. They seemed to be so determined- especially the pink one- to get through the gauntlet. Now they've just left? It does seem rather suspicious. Mandy wants to know where they are. It's most likely they've went back to this uglyville area. She has attempted many times to go through that tunnel near the entrance of the institution. Yet as she was about to adventure the mysterious tunnel, Lou would pop up and force her attention onto him. Making her forget about the tunnel and guides her away. It was odd how Lou managed to always pop up whenever she was away from the institution. It was like he knew when she was going to that tunnel. Mandy's not sure what to think of it. However, when it was announced that Tuesday has gone missing; that's when dolls truly began to worry. It has been a week since she was last seen. This made Mandy speculate more on these strange disappearances of her friends.

Mandy was hanging out with Kitty and Lydia; all were upset about their friend suddenly vanishing. Kitty was trying to stay strong, not showing any weakness. She's learned to do that for years. To never let her guard down and act as hard as a rock. It wasn't that easy for Lydia. She tried to hold in her tears and sobs of worry for her friend (So she wouldn't form any frown lines). But it became harder each day when there was no good news. Lydia began to stay in, until Kitty would force her outside. She really misses Tuesday. Even though Tuesday was annoying at times, she still cared for her. Kitty was in the same boat, for the most part. She was use to holding in her emotions; she wouldn't break as easily as Lydia. But when she's alone, that is when Kitty will let it all out. Mandy's doing her best to comfort them both. They all sat on Lydia's couch: Lydia was in the middle, Mandy was on her right and Kitty on her left. "Why did this happen? It's unlike Tuesday to just wander off." Lydia comments, holding her elbows. Trying to keep herself together from having a crying fit. "Well... maybe she's crushed on some guy again. She might be with him. You know what that girl's like when she finds a man she likes." Kitty encourages, well, she's trying to. 

This made Mandy recall her date with Lou. She swore she heard Tuesday that night. It was when Lou went to answer the door; she believed that visitor to be Tuesday. The voice was muffled so she couldn't be 100% sure if it was. So, she never mentioned it to anyone. She should ask Lou about it. "Y-yeah! She might want to s-spend time with him before t-training for the big world." Mandy stutters, which Kitty notices. Mandy only stutters when she's nervous or something is on her mind; Kitty knows it ain't cause she's nervous. "I guess, but she would've told us. Tuesday isn't good with keeping secrets." Lydia says.

"Neither are you." Kitty mutters, Lydia dramatically gasps. "Excuse me? I'm excellent at keeping secrets. I've kept Nolan's secret about him liking Lou- Oh crap!" Kitty lets out a quick laugh, Mandy stayed silent. Nolan likes Lou? She... doesn't really know how to react. "R-really? When did he tell you this?" Mandy asks, a slightly worried look in her eyes. "About 2 days ago. Why ask?" Lydia raises an eyebrow. Mandy faintly blushes and avoids eye contact. "N-no reason. I was just curious." She says quickly, Kitty didn't believe her one bit. Lydia stands up with a sigh, "I think I'm gunna have nap. Too much has gone on today." Kitty nods in agreement. "Understandable. I'm sure you need to catch up on your beauty sleep." Kitty definitely didn't think before saying that. Mandy glares at Kitty before smiling back at Lydia, "We'll check on you around dinner. See you later!"

Each wave goodbye, as Kitty and Mandy leave Lydia's house. Once they were outside, Kitty says "Right, now what's up with you?" Mandy questionably glances at her friend. Both begin to walk down the rows of houses. "W-what do you mean?" 

"Something's on ya' mind, and I know it ain't just Tuesday you're thinking about. Tell me, what's going on?" Kitty didn't want another one of friends moping around. And she doesn't want them to possibly getting depressed. She may not be good with comforting others, but she'll try. For the sake of her friends. Mandy stays silent to think, before sighing in defeat. "Promise not to tell." Kitty places her finger on her heart, making a cross sign. "Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Well, about a week ago, I went on a date with Lou and-" Mandy was interrupted by Kitty's gasp. "YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH-!" Mandy swiftly raises her hand to the girls mouth. Shutting her up. "Don't shout it out! I thought you promised to keep this secret." Kitty begins to muffle something, so Mandy removes her hand to hear her. "I will! I was just shocked that's all... sorry, but come on. Continue talking." Mandy bites her bottom lip, trying to calm herself.

"Ok, during the date, someone suddenly was at the door. I could've swore it was Tuesday. But whoever it was wanted to tell Lou something. They seemed to be very impatient. I couldn't properly hear what they were on about because I suddenly blacked out."

"Blacked out?" Kitty was slightly concerned by that. "I was drinking some wine with Lou and had too much." Mandy explained, before Kitty could accuse anything. "Still, I swore that was Tuesday at the door." Mandy sighs, she felt like a idiot. She didn't even ask Lou about the person at the door. Then again, why didn't he tell her? Or the robots -who are searching for Tuesday- about it either? Was it not her at the door? "Hang on, hasn't Lou told you about this mysterious person at the door?"

"N-no, he didn't. He might of thought it wouldn't matter. Or it may of not have been her anyway." Kitty scoffs. "Well it does matter, it could've been Tuesday he was talking to! She might of told him where she was going or somethin'." Mandy slowly nods, half of her did agree with Kitty. The other half was still unsure of the situation. "Yeah, you're right! I'll go to him tonight and ask him about it." Mandy smiles with determination. Kitty forms a grin before patting her friends back, "Nice! I'm gunna quickly prepare for some training. I'll meet you back to yours in an hour, see ya!" Kitty waves goodbye, walking in an opposite direction of Mandy's house. Mandy happily waves back, before skipping into her house.

What Mandy didn't know what that Kitty had lied; she wasn't preparing to train. She was going to talk with Lou. Kitty had been suspicious of him for awhile, but hearing that he may of been the last person to talk with Tuesday. It only fueled her suspicion of the doll. This intuition started around 2 days the spy girls left Ox with him. Lou said he had something planned, something to get rid of those Uglydolls. Although Kitty didn't complain, she nor the other girls knew what he did. She needs to know what happened to them and her friend. Kitty may admire Lou, but she isn't afraid to get in his face and force the truth out of him. 

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