Forming A Relationship With Her

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Lou plays with his tie, bored after that lesson. A 2 hour lesson about how they should avoid mess in the real world. It's a-shame Lou couldn't experience the love from a kid; but he doesn't need one anymore. After all... there's Mandy for him to experience love. Lou searches around the desks, trying to find the doll. He catches her walking away, "Mandy!" Lou jumps off the small stage, jogging after the female. Mandy stops and turns to the direction of the voice shouting her name. She timidly smiles at him, "Hey Lou. Anything y-you need?" The doll holds her hands together. Trying to calm her nerves. Lou makes it in front of her, "I need someone to talk to. I was just wondering if you'll allow me to walk with you." Lou gives her his signature smirk. Mandy glances to the side, pondering on if she should yes or not. She does idolize the blonde doll, but ever since their first meeting she has been more tense. Especially when her friends would tease her about getting a hand-kiss from a well-known doll. "I, erm, sure!" Mandy turns and begins to walk forward. With Lou quickly walking beside her left side. Lou was holding in his excitement; just being near Mandy freaks him out. It's the first time he has ever felt nervous around a doll.

He needs to spark a conversation, but how? Lou begins to think of a way to start: 'how was your day?', do you like singing?, would you-' "So! What is it like to be in front of a big crowd?" Mandy asks in an awkward tone. Lou tilts his head, "Are you questioning how I feel when performing?" The doll nods with a small hum. "Well, I feel amazing! I love to sing in front of you perfect dolls; it's a good feeling to have dolls cheer your name." Mandy listens intently and nods. "Maybe you can join me on that stage one day." He adds in, looking away from the doll with a devil-ish smirk. Mandy's mouth gapes open in surprise from the suggestion. Imaging herself on stage, every doll in the institution watching her. She can't do that. "O-on stage?!" Lou giggles at her reaction before looking back at her. With a playful smile this time. "Yes, my dear Mandy. I'm sure you have an amazing singing voice." She blushes at the compliment. "Thank you for the compliment but-- wait did you just call me dear?" She realizes, stopping in her tracks. Making Lou to stop as well. He curses in his head, did he go too far with a pet name? Does she not like him now? "Yes I did. Sorry do you not want me to call you that?" She takes a second before answering. "N-no it's fine.-" A sudden idea pops into her head. "-As long as you let me call you Loulou." Mandy jokes, giggling. Lou begins to have a faint pink across his cheeks. He found that nickname cute; no one never gave him a nickname like that. Lou grins, "Deal~" He bops her on the nose, making her freeze in a daze.

Lou laughs, no matter what she did he just finds it adorable. "Now come along, my dear Mandy! Shouldn't you be getting yourself ready for the trials?" Lou says, breaking the doll out of her daze. He begins to walk forward again, Mandy quickly follows. "O-oh, yeah! Actually I wanted to ask you something Lou?" Lou just hums in response. "Well, I've been curious about this, but why don't you go into the big world?" Lou looks away from the doll, hiding his sadness as best as he could. Thinking about that question it reminded him something; Mandy will leave one day. She'll leave the institution for some kid. Over Lou... No. he can't let that happen. "Lou? You ok?" Mandy asks, it went silent after her question. She begins to worry that she upset him. Lou faces her with the best smile he could make. "Yes, I'm sorry about that. To answer your question; I'm not interested about going to the big world. I want to help you dolls instead!" He answers. Mandy was taken aback by this answer. It was nice that Lou is deciding to stay to help other dolls. It was sweet of him. Most dolls may not do the same thing as him. "Wow, that's really sweet of you." Mandy compliments. Causing Lou's emotions to go crazy. On the outside he kept his calm attitude on, but on the inside he was freaking out like some crazy fan of his. Being called sweet by a doll he likes, just warms his heart. "Why thank you, my dear Mandy." Mandy halts to a stop, seeing that they were now by the training area. "Guess I'll see you later, Loulou." She says with a small wave. Lou was upset that their talk had to end. But he must be patient. He knows it'll take time to have Mandy; it will be worth the wait though. Lou waves back as she jogs to a piece of equipment for training. He then turns and begins to walk away; his hands held back behind him. A smirk forms on his lips. Happy that he got to spend some time with his beloved doll. 

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now