A Group Of UglyDolls?

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Ah, another day at the institution. Mandy was standing with her group of friends. Listening to them chat about whatever was going on today. Mandy didn't feel her best today, she wasn't sure why...but she just didn't fell ok. Kitty had her hand mirror open, checking herself out. However, a small group of colorful dolls catch her eye. She looks over to the group, seeing that they weren't nothing like them. "Ew! What. Are. those?" The girls look at the same direction. "Is that suppose to be some kind of dog?" Mandy saw nothing but different colorful blurs. She squints, hoping it could help her see them more clearly. Unfortunately, that didn't help much. She looks back to the girls when Tuesday began to talk. Although Mandy wasn't listening that much. Since her attention was focused on that odd group of blurs. Taking short glances back at them. Pondering on why there was colorful dolls of a sudden? It seems they weren't even wearing the uniform. "I know right." Kitty says, Mandy freezes when all of the girls look at her. "I...I know too, right?" She awkwardly grins. As the girls roll their eyes in unison.

"Excuse me girls, but who is Lou?" The three stare at the male doll. Looking at him as if he had offended them. There was a sudden spotlight on him, with music in the background. The three give him judgmental looks, while Mandy just watches questionably. "Who's Lou? Were you born yesterday?" Kitty says, placing her hands onto hr hips. Nolan glances to the side, "Erm...yes!"

"Look. Listen. And learn!"

(Sorry but I'm not writing this whole thing/scene. It would be a waste of writing and to read.)

"That man can entertain and emotionally devastate like no one else." A male voice says, as the crowd cheers for Lou. Mandy watches as the scene goes on. She felt awful for those dolls; even if she went along with the laughter from Lou and the crowd. She didn't want to be seen out of place. Although Lou didn't want his beloved anywhere near these uglydolls, he needed someone he knows to 'observe' them. He would've chosen one of his spies, however he needs them to get Ox. His old friend could become another problem. He must let nothing get in the way of his love for Mandy, or giving any of these dolls hope that ANY doll can pass the gauntlet. He knows Mandy is insecure about her eye sight, which can be a problem to pass the gauntlet. Meaning her eye sight can be an advantage for him. Lou needs to make sure she won't pass; he can't let her leave him. No matter what.

"Mandy, show our special guest their quarters. May I suggest the... Supply Suite." Mandy walks over to the group of dolls, slightly nervous. Before the uglydolls left, Lou gave a warning to Moxy. Might as well start breaking her down first; she seems to be the most confident out of the group. So he must start breaking her first. Then he commands his spies to find out everything about this Uglyville and to do a special job for him. Ignoring Tuesday believing that it would be a date. As if he'd date a girl like her. He'd never betray his Mandy for a girl like Tuesday. The 3 girls leave once Lou instructs them who they will be after. For now he'll go home and calm himself; he was becoming rather stressed due to this new problem popping up. Those stupid uglydolls... he'll get rid of them. In any way he can.

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