The Surprise

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Mandy stayed in Lou's bedroom for hours. Laying on his bed, since there was nothing else to do. Lou locked the door so she can't escape. All she could do was worry about Nolan. The poor doll; he was only trying to help. She somewhat hopes that hit Lou did to Nolan had already killed him. Or else Lou could be doing something much worse to Nolan. Possibly giving the same fate as he did to Kitty. It makes Mandy want to vomit, thinking back to that awful-

She winces upon feeling the small injury on her arms. Mandy didn't her grip on her biceps harden due to her thoughts. The blood was still there. Tears slowly formed in the corner of her eyes, being reminded of how rough Lou was.

"Mandy dear~!"

Speak of the devil. Her head shot up to the doorway. Lou was standing there, holding a large black bag. Mandy pushes her back against the bed frame, seeking to be even further away from Lou. "I've got a surprise for you." He says in a singy tone. He places the bag beside his makeup counter. "W-where's Nolan? What have you done to him?" Mandy inquires, trying to hide her fear. "Oh~ don't worry about him. He won't be bothering for us for a long, long time." Mandy gulps at what Lou could be suggesting. Did he held Nolan captive? Killed him in cold blood? It seems she could never know. Lou sighs, "Now sweetheart, I need to turn the light off for a minuet or two. Just so I can prepare this surprise." Lou explains, walking over to the switch to turn off the lights. "Can't you show this surprise another time?" Mandy couldn't deal with this anymore. She has had enough of Lou. All Mandy wants is to go back to when everything was normal: where Lou didn't become obsessive and her friends were still with her.

"Unfortunately I can't. I have to show you it now! I just can not wait for your thoughts; it took me months to make." Lou was thrilled to finally show Mandy his work. He flicks the light switch off, having the room be fully dark. Mandy held onto her arms, cuddling herself. She didn't want to see this surprise; God knows what it could be. Could it actually be a sweet gift, or something that could scar her? It was dark for 5 minuets before Lou broke the silence, "Ta da!" The lights came back on. Mandy blinked a couple of times, getting use to her surroundings again. Once she saw Lou, he had his back to her. Revealing the gift.

Lou made a cape of her friends skin/fur: Lucky Bat, Moxy, Uglydog, Wage, Kitty... This is so fuck. Mandy's mouth gapes open, she couldn't even scream. The shock has got to her. Tears flow down her cheeks. All she could do was stare. "Do you like it?" Lou didn't seem fazed. He was actually proud of this work. Mandy closes her eyes, now just crying her heart out. Lou turns his front to her, grinning widely. "Oh I knew you would! You're crying with happiness aren't you!" He pulls the fabric closer to his body. "I'm thankful you do. I had so much passion while creating this." He pauses to have a short chuckle. "Can't believe I manage to make use of those Uglydolls."

Mandy's crying got louder, slightly breaking Lou from his delusional state. He gives a sympathetic look, "Dear, come on now, you- you can stop now." Her crying continued, making Lou become anxious in the situation. Did he reveal his surprise too early? He bites his bottom lip, thinking of a way to calm her. 'Maybe... I could just give more affection.' He thought, believing it to be the best idea. Lou carefully takes off his cape, placing it over the chair at his makeup desk. Before placing his knee on top of his bedding. Crawling over to Mandy's shaking form. He reaches out to her, "Man-" As soon as his finger lingered on her skin, it was swiftly slapped away. "Leave me alone! Don't fucking touch me! Don't..." Her voice lowers, as her head looks down to her lap. "Just, leave me alone. Please." She pleads, full of sorrow. Lou gazed at for a moment, before obeying and getting off of the bed. Taking his cape and leaving Mandy alone. She cried herself to sleep. Dreaming of seeing her friends again. All of them, alive and happy.

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