Bye Bye Moxy

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The uglydoll raises her fist to the door, hesitating to knock. It was a bit obvious that Lou wasn't fond of Moxy or her friends. I mean, he did insult their looks in a song. Moxy breathes in then out. She needs to talk with Lou. She needs to know where Uglydog (and her other friends) had gone. Her fists makes 3 loud bangs upon making contact with the wood. There was no reply. So she knocks once more. Still, no reply. "Lou! Are you in there?!" She knocks on the door a bit too hard this time. Which causes the front door to open. Having a small crack into the darkness of the house. Moxy decides to investigate, she quietly opens the front door and pops her head in first. The hallway lights were turned off. But she could see a light was turned on down the hall. Where she believed to be the living room. Moxy walks inside, hearing her footsteps echo through the hall. It had an odd and scary atmosphere. This made Moxy feel very uneasy.

She carefully walks down the hall, entering the first open door. Which was on the right side of the hall. Moxy walked through the small entrance to the new room. Realizing it was the kitchen. She turns to the left. And what she sees makes her freeze in fear. It was Lucky bat. Spread eagled across the kitchen metal counter. His dead stare was on Moxy. Blood dripping down his body, onto the black and white tile floor. Lucky bat's wings were cut off, putted aside to the stove. Along side some other food items. As if the wings were a food ingredient that was prepared for a special meal. His gut was cut open, guts sprawled out of the corpse. Moxy's legs began to shake in terror. Nothing but shaky breaths leaving her mouth. Lucky bat was dead. In Lou's kitchen. 'Did...Did Lou kill him?' Moxy never would believe that Lou was a killer. But her friend was dead in his fucking kitchen. Could this mean he also killed her other friends as well? She needs to leave. She needs to- "What are you doing here?" Her whole twists to the right. Standing in front of the maids room was Lou. Wearing a white apron over his suit, blood patterns all over the apron. His hair in a net peaked white hat. Both hands in yellow kitchen gloves. In his right hand was a sharp kitchen knife. It's blade glistening in the night. Moxy gasps, her fist clenching against her chest. Her eyes quickly glance to the kitchen. There was another knife on the nearest counter to her. It's either grabbing that knife or dashing back down the hall.

Unfortunately, she didn't have time to think of the outcomes for both. So she went with the first thought; grab the knife and defend herself. Her legs finally cooperate with her brain and turned to the kitchen. Running towards the counter. Hearing Lou quickly follow. Moxy manages to get the knife. However, once she turns back to strike Lou, he was too quick and got her first. Slashing her shoulder. The uglydoll shrieks, moving backwards. Trying to get far away from the murder. Pointing the tip of the knife to Lou. Unsuccessfully intimidating him. Lou knows she would never hurt anyone. So of course she's going to hesitate. This is an advantage for Lou. He smirks down at the doll. With an evil glint in his eyes. "You know, it was rather kind of you to pop in unannounced. I didn't need to waste my time looking for you! It was rather generous of you to sacrifice yourself for me." He giggles, raising the knife up. Luckily, Moxy dodges the blonde's attack. Dashing past him. "No!" He shouts, going after Moxy.

She almost made it to the front door, but a sudden force on her ankle pulls her back. Making her fall onto her face. Her hand's grip on the knife loosens. Before she could grab hold of it again, the force on her ankle pulls her back. Moxy looks over her shoulder, to descry a hand gripping firmly onto her ankle. Rapidly pulling her backwards, further away from the door. Moxy digs her nails into the wooden floor, screaming as loud as she can. Wishing at least someone would hear her and come to her aid. Lou drags her back into the kitchen. Although she attempts to hold onto the side of the open door way. It wasn't hard for Lou to pull her off of her grip. He grows in frustration; Moxy was annoying as it is, now that she was constantly whining (At least, that's what Lou believes her screams for help were). Why couldn't she stay quiet? Why couldn't she just mind her own business? He twists her body, so her back was against the tile floor. He pushes his foot down onto her neck. Keeping her in place. She tries to press his foot off of her neck, but to no avail. It only caused Lou to force his foot harder down. Putting more pressure on her throat. Moxy lets out hoarse- and hardly audible- screams. Loosing oxygen with each minuet. She was lucky Lou wasn't doing much worse. He would be torturing the doll if he had more time. Then again, Lou needs to be careful. He can't have that pink fur of hers ruined.

It took 6 minuets before Moxy finally stopped breathing. No matter how hard she struggled, Lou managed to keep his foot still on her throat. He sighs in relief; the uglydolls were finally dead. The blonde twist his neck to the side, causing the sound of a bone cracking slightly. Now he has to sort out these bodies. Before another rude doll enters his house. Lou places his arm under the bend in Moxy's knees. His other arm going to her upper back. Lifting the body off of the floor; now holding Moxy's limp body against his chest. Lou swiftly jogs out of the kitchen, going down the hall then up the stairs. Entering his sewing room, throwing her body beside the desk. Close to his 75% finished new clothing. Lou was eager to finish it. The uglydolls, for once, were good for something. However, he's only using certain parts of Lucky Bat for... something special.

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