You're Not Leaving

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Mandy froze in fear, tears begin to form. Lou just killed Kitty... Oh fuck, is she next?

"Mandy dear-" He stops to have an awkward laugh, taking steady steps towards her. "-what are you doing here? This isn't the best time to-"

"W-what the hell is going on?! W-why..." Mandy was speechless. She couldn't believe this was happening; Lou killed Kitty. He killed Kitty... her best friend. Her legs begin to tremble, not fully responding to her thoughts. She needs to run. She needs to get help. Mandy gasps when she feels Lou grab her shoulder, she quickly pushes away from him. "Get away from me, you psycho!" Mandy shouts, before turning and running back to the front entrance. Unfortunately, she only gets 5 seconds down the hall from the basement. Lou was quick to follow, roughly grabbing Mandy's bun. Pulling her backwards and falling to the ground on her back. This action also causes her hair to escape its binds. Along with her glasses falling out of her pocket.

The blonde notices the glasses, "You wear glasses?" Lou only questions this to see how'd Mandy would react. Mandy gulps, "Y-yes. Please don't kill me Lou!" Her thoughts were spiraling. She didn't fully know what to do: should she try to reason with him? Book it to the back door? Or just accept her fate? "Y-you can't-"

"Calm down darling. There's no need to worry!" Lou picks up the glasses, opening the temples. Examining them as memories of Lou first seeing his darling doll. He begins to step towards the trembling doll, who was trying to get away from him by pushing her self backwards. Until her back hits the wall. 'oh doll, please please don't hurt me' she begs that Lou won't her. Did he not really care for her? Was going on all of those dates with her, telling Mandy that he loves her, just so he could manipulate and kill her? A small tear drips down her left cheek. Lou tuts, crouching down in front of her. "Don't cry, Mandy. There's no need for those tears." He reaches the glasses forward. Mandy -frozen with fear- lets him place the glasses on her. More tears falling from her eyes. The blonde's smile brightens; truly seeing his perfect doll. The way she's suppose to be. Absolutely stunning. She closes her eyes as Lou continues to speak,

"I know you're upset. But you must understand what I've done is for the good of both of us. I can't allow these dolls get in the way of our love. Surely you understand this..." A sigh leaves his lips, as his fingers leave the temples of the glasses. Lowering to rest his palms against her cheeks. Lou could feel the wetness of her tears on her skin. He couldn't stand to see her cry. "Oh Mandy~ my perfect doll." Mandy couldn't resist, although she tried to, blushing at the pet name. In any other situation, she would be flattered by this and Lou's wonderful voice.  He swiftly gives a peck on her forehead, "I'm sorry." He whispers, before letting her cheeks go. Then swinging his fist into her face. The hit was so hard it knocks her out cold, what Lou intended to happen.

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now