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Four loud knocks echo down the hall. Interrupting Lou of sewing the final piece of his clothing. He groans in annoyance, before standing up and walking out of the room. The rapid knocks continued until Lou opened the door. He was somewhat shocked to see who was there, "Ah, Kitty. What brings you here?" He asks, keeping a calm tone in his voice. Kitty pushes her way into the house, "We need to talk." She wanders straight into the living room. Lou sighs and closes the front door, before following the doll. "What is it? I'm rather busy at the moment." Kitty crosses her arms, annoyed by Lou's tone. "It's about Tuesday."

Lou looks Kitty up and down, denying to show any fear. Worrying that she knew the truth of what happened. Did Tuesday tell Kitty she was going with Lou on a date? "Oh, yes, that poor doll! Has there been any news of her?" He tried to sound as sympathetic as he could. "No, but we could have more info on where she could be." Lou could tell from the doll's glare that she's suspecting him. He may have to take out some pills for her to take. "Really?" Lou turns to his mini bar, beginning to pour two glasses of wine. "Yeah. A little bird told you me you could've spoken to Tuesday before her disappearance." As Lou drops the two pills- which were hidden in his sleeve- into Kitty's drink, his eyes widen. Did Mandy remember that night? When did she hear Tuesday at the door? Shit. Why would she tell Kitty that anyway...has she told more people? Lou's head began to spin with unanswered questions. 

"Lou!" He quickly turns to Kitty, startled from her booming voice. Some of the wine in his hand waving out of their glasses. "I-I'm sorry. My mind went somewhere else for a second there." He awkwardly laughs. "I said a little bird told me you were the last to talk with Tuesday; now is that true or not?" Lou walks toward Kitty, stretching the wine which was spiked to her. "Does this little birdy have a name?" Although Kitty doesn't trust Lou at this moment, she reluctantly took hold of the drink offered to her. "Erm, I'm sure the name doesn't matter. Since you already know her." Lou was about to break the glass in his hand. His anger increasing at the thought of Mandy telling Kitty- probably others to- about this. "Last week, did Tuesday come knocking at your door? I know how much of a stalker she can be." Out of impulse, Kitty takes a sip form her wine. Lou grins in success, "I do re-call this night. It was the same night I asked her on a date."

Kitty's mouth slightly opens in surprise, blue orbs scanning his face for any lies. Before she could question why he would ask Tuesday on a date, he continued. "She never told anyone because I requested her not to. Guess she kept her promise since you didn't know. The date was at night, nearby the tunnel that you girls went in before to Uglyville." Kitty's vision became blurry, her eyelids trying to hide her eyes from Lou's blurry figure. She stumbles backwards, falling onto the couch. As the wine glass fall out of her hand, breaking onto the floor. Lou doesn't react, "It was very late at night and far away so no one could hear her scream~" Lou chuckles, sipping his drink. "I may of gone too far though when I repeatedly smashed her face to pieces. Then again, it wouldn't have mattered what I did to her, I'd thrown her in the recycling no matter what I did."

"Y...You fucking.." Kitty's voice lowers, letting out one last groan before her eyes close. She's unconscious. Lou drinks the last bit of his wine. Before giggling, "I swear, this is too easy."


Lou carefully picks up the broken glass, making sure he wouldn't form any cuts. His skin needs to be perfect after all. He places the shards into a bin bag, a large bin bag where he'll be placing Kitty's body once he's done with her. Lou had Kitty tied down in his basement. She's likely to wake up soon. It's only been an hour before she passed out. Lou prepares himself: putting on his gloves, new clothing (A white tank top and some black jeans), a white apron and his net peaked white hat.

He opens the door to the basement, already hearing tired groans. He begins to step down the stairs. Once at the bottom, Kitty growls in anger at the sight of Lou. "You insane fucking discount barbie doll!" Lou tuts at her vulgar language. "Ow, isn't that a bit too harsh there Kitty?" He walks over to a metal table. Kitty couldn't see what was on it, since her only light source was the single swaying light bulb above her. "Untie me from this chair right now or I'll-"

"You'll what Kitty? Considering your position, I wouldn't be throwing out such useless threats." Lou scans the table, looking for the right item to use. He'll start off with the scalpel. Lou twists with a grin, "Now, let's begin!" He moves to Kitty's left side. She attempts to move far away from the scalpel, but she was tied up on the chair so it restrained most of movement. Lou growls as she continues to move her head. His sudden grip on her jaw makes her let out a small yelp, "Keep still! Honestly, I should've kept you unconscious... but then again, I wouldn't be able to hear those wonderful screams~" He small laughs became louder. Kitty wanted to get out of these restraints and punch this bastard in the face. Actually, She wants to do more than punch him.

Lou presses the sharp end of the scalpel underneath her hairline. Kitty does her best to hold in her scream, she won't give the satisfaction of hearing his victims in pain. However, screams did escape her lips when Lou began to drag the scalpel across the hairline underneath. Creating a perfect cut line. Small droplets of blood stream down her face, along with some tears that quickly formed in Kitty's eyes. He manages to go full circle, without ruining that lovely hair of hers. "Stop it, you maniac!" She manages to shout, his grip on her tightening. "Maniac? I prefer the term psychopath."

The grip on her chin unlocks, she turns her head opposite to Lou. Trying to calm herself down and think of a way to get out of this nightmare. Lou goes back to the table, picking up the dull knife. It would be nice to get a little bit messy. He goes in front of Kitty, leaning down to her level. Giving her a wicked smile, as he raises the knife. "You know, it's a shame I have to kill you; you were a good employee." He comments, before swiftly pushing the knife's blade into the long cut. Kitty screams, more blood gushing out of the now deepened cut. She tries to pull away, shouting curse words and many insults to Lou. He fists a handful of Kitty's hair, slamming her head to the back of the chair. "Stay still! I don't want to ruin that lovely hair of yours. I need it to add more detail for my personal project."

"You're... You're fucking crazy."

"I know~" He slices the same area again. The grip on Kitty's hair pulled, making her scalp moves upward. Tearing away from her skull. She didn't have enough strength to hold in her cries now. All of her cries of pain fell out from her gaped open mouth. Lou pulls harder, hearing the flesh pealing away. Kitty squirms, wishing for this torture to end. To just wake up from a nightmare and see her best friends again. A large amount of blood splatters Lou's face -along with his clothing-. Kitty's fists tighten, screeching for help and wishing this to end. He continued to pull and slice through the layer of skin.

It took almost half an hour to fully remove the scalp off of Kitty. Who was somehow still awake during this. Especially with the significant blood loss. Lou places the piece of flesh onto the table, "My my Kitty! You sure are a fighter." He compliment, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Kitty glared at the doll, breathing heavily. She waned to kill him. To take the very same thing that's dear to him as well; his hair. "I'll... I'll kill you... when I get out of this. I will kill you." She whispers, Lou was able to hear her though. His giggles, "Oh I'd doubt you will. Soon you will die due to blood loss and I can proceed my life with Mandy."

"Mandy?.. Don't you fucking hurt her you-"

"I would never hurt my darling doll." Lou replies, in a surprising dark tone. "How dare you even insinuate I'd do such a thing to a beautiful and special doll like her!" He swiftly grabs the knife and digs it into Kitty's thigh. Causing her to scream. The scream may of not been loud, but it was loud enough for the sudden visitor to hear.

Lou was so focused on Kitty (And she was too focused on the pain) that he didn't hear someone enter his house. "Lou?" Mandy's voice echoed, only for no response. She gently closes the front door behind her and walks down the hallway. Entering the living room. To see her boyfriend was nowhere in sight. As she wanders the room- about to go upstairs- her eyes stop on some red liquid on the floor. It seemed to be fading into the carpet. Mandy kneels down beside it; why was there a red stain? Lou would never leave something like this. Judging from his house- and dating him for some time- Mandy knows Lou can be a clean freak at times. All of sudden, Mandy heard a horrifying scream.

She gasps, quickly running to the direction of the scream. Running to where the basement was; the door was wide open. Mandy stands at the top of the stairs, her eyes widening at the scene. Kitty was tired to a chair... her entire scalp was gone. Revealing the flesh underneath her hair. Lou stood next to her, blood all over his face and body. He froze on the spot, thinking of a way to calm Mandy down or talk this out. Kitty saw Lou was thinking of something, she needs Mandy to run and get help.

"Mandy, run and get hel!-" Her throat was slip open in seconds.

Let Me Love You~ Yandere Lou X MandyWhere stories live. Discover now