Chapter 7 ; Escape

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January 19 2014

Foods gone.

Up the roof today trying to plot an escape route to the mall.

Yes, the mall.

Because, hey? A girl needs new clothes.

Eveythings smashed.

Abandoned cars.

Bodies out in the open.

The dead wandering in larger numbers, generally in groups of several or more.

A somewhat larger group is in front of the front of the schools main entrance intent on getting in.

They can't be after me suddenly?

How would they know?

I'm thinking, okay so this is what's it's come to, I'm thinking that my best hope for finding a car is to look for a situation below where someone had been pulled from their car and killed-the keys would probably still be nearby.


Theres running the stairwell.

I grab my notebook and run out of the building.

I run for my life.


Oh my god .

I'm going to die.

I run down the hill into the woods.

I catch my breath by a nearby tree.

I sit down, thinking.

"What should I do now?" I whisper to myself.

I look up.

It's sunset.

I grab a stick.

Playing with it.

I spot something shiny in the bushes.

I get up, slowly make my way to the mysterious object.

Its a knife.

I wipe it on my shirt, to clean it.

I put it in my boot.

I tie my hair in a tight bun, and put on my hat that I got from Todd.

It's a seattle sea hawks cap.

I go back to where I as sitting at the tree,

My eyes feel droopy.

I cant fall asleep.

Dont sleep kiara.




I fall asleep.

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