Chapter 12; Shooting lessons.

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January 20 2014 6:52 am

Me and Kiara are in the food court looking for pizza.

Well. technically, she is.

i'm sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the food court.

"i FOUND SOME!" Kiara yells from the pizza place.

She comes back with a giant pan of pizza and a blowtorch.

"Where the fuck did you get that?!" I exclaim.

She shrugs, "I found it behind the counter."

She and I start laughing.

Her laugh is beautiful.

The way she crinkles her nose.

She passes me a pair of oven mitts.

I furrow my eyebrows,

"Whats this for?" I glance at her.

"You"re holding it up." She grins.

"What?" My eyes widen.

"Hold still" she turns on the torch.

She brings the flame of the torch on the bottom of the pan.

The smell of pizza filled the air,

suddenly we hear running,and laughing,

the boys came running towards us,

"WE SMELL PIZZA!" Michael yells, prancing .

all of us split the pizza,taking slices,

"Why haven't we thought of this before?!" Ashton exclaims,

"Maybe because you guys are to stupid to think of anything" Kiara spits back.

The boys frown, i look at Kiara.

"Oh my god, i was kidding" Kiara laughs.

"It didn't sure didn't sound like it" Ashton replies softly.

"I'm sorry." Kiara makes a puppy face. batting her eyelashes.

The guys stay quiet.

"Guys?" Kiara says quietly.

The boys still ignoring her.

"I SAID I'M SORRY FOR FUCK SAKES." Kiara said a little more loudly,

"If you don't say anything you guys arent getting gun shooting lessons ." Kiara said,

a smug look on her face,

"Okay,we'll forgive you." Calum finally said

" i don't know any of your guys names yet." Kiara smirks.

"I'm Calum" Calum replies.

"Are you-"

"I am not asian. if you're wondering." Calum cuts her off.

Kiara's mouth was open but then slowly closes,

"Just as I thought." Calum smirks.

"I'm ashton, but you can call me Ash." Ashton happily said,

"I'm Michael, if you're wondering, I'm single." He winks, then takes out his hand for her to shake.

She stares at it, then looks at Michael.

He slowly withdrew his hand back to him.

"I'm Luke, but you already knew that" I smile, she smiles back.

"I'm Kiara, i jacked Luke yesterday in the woods." she smirks.

"YOU'RE THE GIRL THAT JACKED LUKE?!" Calum points at her.

"Yeah, that's what i just said." she looks away.

The boys start laughing at me, my face heats up.

"What?" Kiara asked,eyebrows furrowed,

"We were teasing Luke yesterday because he got jacked by a girl." Michael said laughing,

"No you didn't,you guys got mad at me." I pout my lip,

"Awh poor Luke." she pats my thigh,lightly,

But her hand doesn't leave.

I stay frozen.

She gives me a warm smile, then looks away.

"Well. do you guys wanna go have fun?" she suggests, standing up.

"what?" Ashton giggles.

"We can go shoot zombies on the roof." she grins.

The boys and I look at eachother.

Michael jumps up, "HELL YEAH!"

He goes and stands by Kiara, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

I clench my fists under the table.

Kiara slowly pulled away from his grip, I unclenched my fists and stood up,

I went to stand by Kiara,I grabbed her wrist,but she didn't pull away,

Thank god.

She looked at her wrist then looked up at me then smiles,

Ashton and Calum get up from the tables and follow us as we started walking toward the fire escape to go up the roof.

I'm soon blinded by the sun shining in my eyes.

"Okay. I left 4 snipers and 1 cross bow up here" Kiara says walking towards the edge.

"CROSS BOW!" Ashton runs towards it.

Kiara picks up a sniper and hands it to me, doing the same to Calum and Michael.

"Okay, unlock the safety trigger." she shows us the small trigger above the shooting trigger.

We do as told.

"How did you learn how to shoot?" Ashton asks.

"I play Call Of Duty." she shrugs.

"Oh my god,this girl." Michael whispers into my ear, I can't help but smile,

"Okay, come over to the edge and look through the scope and find a target." Kiara said sternly,

looking through her scope,we all do the same,

"Found a target?" she says,we all mumble a 'yeah' or 'yes'

"Alright, now,FIRE." she says shooting her gun as well,

I shot down an old woman,her eyes sulking, I shot her straight in the eye,

"SHIT MY SHOULDER!" Calum whines, rubbing his shoulder.

"What a baby." Kiara mutters under her breathe.

I laugh at her statement.

We continued shooting many zombies. She also showed us how to throw knives.

"Pretend you're angry at something," she suggests, "It helps.

I slowly closed my eyes.

Think of my dad, abusing my mom.

I clench my fists, knuckles turning white.

I throw the knife straight through the target, going out the other end.

"HOLY SHIT LUKE!" Kiara yells, hand over her mouth," I can't even do that!"

She laughs.

"Okay, lets go do something else." she says putting the knives away.

We follow her back down stairs.

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