Chapter 19

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FEBRUARY 13 5:24 pm.

I ran out of the room, tugging my hair in frustration,

"YOU WHAT?" I hear Luke yell.

I peek my head around the corner, my eyes widen at the scene, Luke's on top of Michael, throwing punches at his face, his fist punched him square in the jaw.

"YOU FUCKER!" Luke yells between punches " YOU FUCKING KNOW I LIKE HER." I cover my mouth in shock.

he likes me?

he likes me.

Calum and Ashton quickly pull him off, Luke trying to break out of their grip.

"I'm sorry!" Michael pleads " It just happened!" He wipes his now bloody nose with the back of his hand.

"Bullshit!" Luke throws his hands up in the air, his jaw clenching.

"Whats the big deal Luke?, We all know she doesn't like you." Michael scoffs.

"How would you know?" Luke shouts, his fistsclenching.

"She told me." Michael says in a serious tone.

I gasp, what in the actual fuck.

Stupid fucking Michael.

Luke clenches his fists, " Fuck you." He storms off towards the doorway, I go hide behind the door.

Luke storms past me without knowing I'm here, He slams the door closed, revealing my hiding spot, Calum, Ashton, and Michael look at me with wide eyes,

"KIARA I CAN EXPL-" I cut Michael off.

"No, don't, I don't wanna talk to you." I grab the closest object I can find, a telephone.

I throw it at Michael's way, pissed off.

"Holy shit!" Michael shouts, I grab the lamp and throw it at the wall.

"Why the fuck did you tell Luke that i didn't like him?!" He shrugs, "I dont really know, okay?" I feel my fists clench, my finger nails digging into the palms of my hand, my blood boiling.

"Do you like him?!" Calum's eyes widen, "It's fucking obvious isn't it?" I yell, pacing back and forth.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it!" Michael snaps.

"I have fucking bi-polar disorder okay?" I punch the wall, leaving a crack. I look at my knuckles, bruised, bloody, swelling up.

I storm out of the room, leaving the boys speechless.

To let some steam off, I go to the roof, finding Luke dangling his legs over the edge, running his hands through his blonde hair.

I slowly walk towards him, "Hey" I bite my lip, sitting next to him, letting my legs dangle also,

"Hey" He mumbles, looking down, wiping his eyes.

I pull him into a hug, I rub his back, comforting him, his face nuzzles into the crook of my neck.

This feels nice

We hug for a couple of seconds, until he pulls away, his eyes red and swollen.

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