Chapter 25

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"I learned from driving a car in GTA." Kiara responding to Michael,

I immediately started panicking, I watched as she ran a hand through her glossy black hair, she looked worried and frustrated,

"WHAT!?" Michael yelled, I watched as his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her in the back seat,

I felt my hands ball into fists,

He hopped in the driver's seat and sped down the road full of flesh eaters, they were running towards the car, but Michael ran over them, making the car jump up, like when you hit a speed bump too fast,

We all kept quiet, we were all tired and hungry, we were all tired of this mess, what sickness is this?

But I would've never met Kiara. I smile slightly,

I was exhausted, more exhausted than after we finished a show,

I press my head against the window, my breath fogging up the window,

I watched the dead looking streets as we passed by, there was a green house with childrens toys scattered all over the lawn,

There were two zombies on the lawn staring at us, they looked to be the age of 7 and 8 years, their eyes never breaking contact with the car,

I watched in horror as I seen a house, the house was collapsed, dark smoke still rising up,

It looked like the house was set on fire the night before, I watched the smoke rise up into the air, until it was to the point where I couldn't see it anymore,

I sighed, then sniffled, wiping my nose with the back of my hand,

"Do you think we'll be rescued?" I hear Calum say from the backseat, I take my lip ring between my teeth,

"I hope so." I hear Michael whisper, I just sat there in silence,

Everyone sat there in silence, not saying a single word more.

"What if he's lying? What if he never showed up?" Ashton says, breaking the silence,

"Don't think negative, Ash." I hear Kiara, I love her positivity,

I glance at the radio clock, it was 10:02

"Hurry up Michael, we have to get there as soon as possible." I mumble, We seriously need to stop moving like a tortoise, if we want to get rescued.

"We'll get there, calm down, it's only 10 'o' clock" Michael snaps, then breaks down, he stops in the middle of the highway, he hits the steering wheel and cries,

"GOD DAMN IT! HE BETTER BE THERE" Michael yelled in frustration, sniffling, he looked up to me, eyes were red and puffy,

I put my hand on his shoulder and rub it, "He will." comforting him.

Michael cracks a small smile, he wipes his cheeks with the back of his hand, then starts driving again,

Someone grabs my hand, I look to see who it is, Kiara, She smiles while rubbing her thumb on the back of my hand.

"You okay?" She her blue eyes stare in mine. "Yeah" I wipe my eyes with my free hand, she gives me a smile, then turns her head to look out the window, hands still intertwined with mine.

"Here," She gives me her charm bracelet, I look down, It's her favourite.

"I can't take this." I shake my head, She chuckles,

"I want you to have it." She smiles, putting it on the palm of my hand, closing it. The thought of her giving me her bracelet gives me butterflies.

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