Chapter 21

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February 14, Valentines Day, 7:12 pm

"Where are we going? I'm the one that's supposed to plan it." I smirk, she scoffs."Hey! I know fun, so shut up." She snaps.

She's been moody lately.

She pulls me into a winter clothing store, I give her a confused look, " How in the world is this fun."

"You'll see," She walks to the accessories, she pulls out two ski-masks, one black and one camo.

"Black or Camo?" She says, holding up the masks.

"Black." She tosses me the black mask, "Do I put it on or what?"

she rolls her eyes, "Of course you do, stupid." Kiara laughed, 

"What the fuck are we doing?" I ask,I literally had no clue, 

"You'll see." Kiara went and grabbed a mannequin, dragging the thing behind the counter,

I furrowed my eyebrows, she tossed me on of her guns,

I caught it before it hit the ground,then stared at it,

she grabbed my wrist and dragged me right outside of the store, 

"Okay,Now seriously, What in the fuck are we doing?" I grew impatient, she smirked,

"We're robbing the store, I always wanted to do it." she pointed towards the winter clothing store,

I laugh out loud, "SHHH LUKE." She put her index finger on my lips,

"Let's do this." she smirked then pulled down her mask, I bit my lip to prevent me from laughing,

we slowly made our way to the entrance of the store,

Kiara immediatly pulled out her gun and started yelling out loud,

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY, OR WE'LL SHOOT." Kiara ran towards the mannequin, holding her gun up in an aiming position,

I ran over to Kiara, her lips were curved up, she was smiling,

"NOW." I boomed, I didn't know where that came from, What the fuck.

"Wait." Kiara said, going behind the counter and stuck the arms of the mannequin up, making it look like it was in a surrending position,

I couldn't hold it anymore, I burst out laughing, I bent over, clutching my stomach, I laughed until it was the point where my throat was aching,

Kiara ended up laughing with me, she pulled off her ski mask and tossed it at me,

"Hey!" I whined, then took mine off as well and chucking it at her face,

I was about to turn around when a glove hit me in the forehead, I seen Kiara smirking,

I grabbed a bunch of items and started tossing them at Kiara, she did the same, we were laughing the whole time,

she threw a hard object on the back of my head, I rubbed the back of my head and looked down, it was the bell that sat on the counter, I picked it up and read the black printing,

'ring for sex'

I gave Kiara a weird look,then realized she had a camera, I heard the recording button go off,

I started ringing the bell, waving the bell up and down, she was biting down on her lip while smiling,

she ended the video and burst out laughing, she walked over to me while watching the video,

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