Chapter 11; Four boys.

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JANUARY 20 2014 5:23 AM

I just literally just drank 2 cans of red bull.

I am not tired.

At all.

I went to the hunting shop, and picked up a magnum pistol and some throwing knives.

Then found hunting targets.

I've decided to go up on the roof.

I went to through the fire escape.

Its sunrise, I close my eyes and breathe in the fresh air,

scratch that, it smells awful.

I gag.

"Ughh" I cover my nose.

I set up the targets, and close my eyes.

Thinking of those things, that killed Todd.

Anger inside me.

I throw the knife straight into the middle of the target.

The thud of the knife hitting the target, satisfying me.

I get my pistol, and reload it, I shoot it in the air.

Hurting my wrist.

"FUCK!" I yell holding my wrist.

I kick the gravel on top the roof in frustration.

I get the knives , and go back down stairs.

I'm in desperate need of a cigarette.

I look around and find a Smoke shop.

"Fuck yeah" I walk towards the shop.

I find a pack of smokes and a lighter and put it in the pocket of my flannel shirt.

I go and sit at one of the tables beside railing.

I light a cigarette and roll my head back on the wall.

I close my eyes,



I hear drums.

I open my eyes and whip my head up quickly.

I see four boys in the music department.

They don't seem to notice me.

I watched them playing with the instruments.

They all looked the same age, I watched them in slow motion.

First the blondish, spaghetti haired guy that had a ragged red bandana across his forehead, ripped sleeveless shirt to show hisbiceps, that had some tattoos and torn black jeans that perfectly showed off his tight muscular legs.

Following him was a guy that looked a bit asian, with dark hair and a bit of faded blonde at the top, he wore a black t-shirt with tight black jeans, he looked a bit more rough and secretive than the first guy, he had tattoos as well.

Next was a boy with much paler skin, and he was captivating as well, He had tattoos across his right arm, and an eyebrow piercing above his left eye, he had faded pink hair peeking out of the snap back he had on backwards.

Finally, there was the last boy of the group I met earlier, his body was a walking piece of cake: beautiful to look at, tempting, and would probably feel amazing inside you until you regret giving in. Unlike the others, he doesn't have any tattoos, but he has a black lip piercing.

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