Chapter 9; The mall.

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January 19 2014

I get out from the ditch.

Dusting myself off.

I grab the bag.

Unzip it, I find,

-a gun.

-a bag of chips.



-a brush.

"What the fuck." I mutter to myself, holding the brush.

I brush out my hair.

I look around where I am,

I'm in the middle of the woods, I put the contents back in the bag,

I slung the bag over my shoulder, I walked over the squishy moss that was growing on the ground,

I made my way out of the woods, stumbling a bit because of the loose branches that stuck out, making me trip slightly,

I cursed under my breath then walked down the road,
I sighed,

running a hand through my hair, wondering where that guy I jacked earlier went.

I think his name was Luke, apparently,

I was at hearing distance, then I heard another person yelling 'Luke'

I froze when I noticed my hat was gone, did I drop it?
I looked around me, seeing if I dropped it a few seconds ago,

No sign of my hat, did he have it?

I shook my head, it's just a hat.

No it isn't.

Tears brimmed my eyes, remembering the whole night it happened.


"I got bit, you know what this means." Todd said grasping his shoulder where he got bit,

"No, no, no." I said, crying.

"Listen, stay alive, for me." He said lastly, then he grabbed his cap and put it on my head, he groaned, his breathing became heavy and ragged,

I shook his shoulders violently, "Don't you dare die on me Todd."
I sobbed, tears ran down my cheeks,

He glanced at me, he used his thumb to wipe away my tear stained cheeks, "good bye Kia." He said, then he breathed his last breath,

I hugged his body, then placed a kiss on his forehead, I got up, clutching the hat close to myself, walking away.

*End of flashback*

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a tear fall down my cheek,
No, I wasn't going to cry.

I continued walking down the street, I noticed the familiar street,

I walked a little more, the familiar house was in sight, my house

The house had bloody hand prints all over the door, my house looked run down, the windows were all broken,

I didn't even bother going to check it out, what if I seen my younger siblings corpses laying on the floor or something?

I shuddered, thinking about all the blood, flesh, and organs lying all over the floor,

I walked for what felt like hours now, I rubbed my arms to keep me warm, night fall was starting to show,

I shouldve grabbed a sweater, I remembered the bag that slung over my shoulder, I immediately dropped the bag and unzipped it,

I dug through the bag, hoping to find something to keep me warm,
I reached for a big soft fabric in the bag, pulling it out.

It was a big black sweater, how could I not see this before?
I slipped on the sweater, I felt warm instead of cold,

The sweater smelled of guy cologne, it smelled so good, I buried my face in the sweater and began sniffing, yes, it smelled that good.

So fucking good.

"Oh my good god." I start sniffing it.

The wind is terrifying.

I keep freezing in place whenever it picks up to make sure everything else stops moving when it stops.

I thinks I'm nearing downtown.

I see the mall.


I immediately run to the doors,

But its barricaded.


I walk around to the back.

I see the big black door, I attempt to pull the handle.

But thats locked.

I grab the bobby pin from my hair, and start picking the lock.

It opens.


I peek my head in the door and see nothing but a cleaning room.

I close the door slowly, not to make any noise.

I take the gun out of the bag, and carefully walk out of the room.

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