Chapter 15 ; Night shift.

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So Me and Luke were just sitting in the security room while the guys slept on the couches,

We were talking about how we missed the sound of the city, cars honking, dogs barking, the sound peoples feet flopping on the sidewalk,

I sighed,Thinking what would I be doing now if the zombie apocalypse never happpened?

Probably watching netflix, curled up in a blanket, I chuckled to myself,

"What?" Luke lightly laughed,

"I just miss watching netflix." I respond, turning my head to look at him,

"Same." Luke sighs, his face turns into a frown,

"Luke?" I say quietly, the silence was followed by the sounds of our breathing.

"Mmm?" He hummed,

"What do you think you would be doing right now, if this apocalypse never happened?" I ask, staring into his piercing blue eyes,

"I would probably be moving onto another city, you know, the tour and stuff." Luke said, taking his lip ring in between his teeth,

I nodded, I forgot he was on a tour,

"How come you didn't scream when you saw us?" Luke suddenly asks.

"Why would I scream?" I chuckle.

"Because were 5 seconds of Summer." He scratches his neck.

"I have no fucking idea who you guys are," I roll my head up, staring at the ceiling.

His laugh slowly dies down, He bites his lip.

"Who came up with the name, 5 seconds of Summer?" I light my cigarette.

" Michael." He looks down at his scuffed up shoes.

I blow the smoke in his face.

He coughs.

"Why do you smoke?" Luke asks.

I take a drag, blowing it in his face again.

"I'm stressed." I whisper.

" When did you start? " Luke says quietly.

"Why so many questions? " I smirk.

" I don't really know anything about you." Luke smiles, shifting in his chair.

" 21 questions? " I ask him.

He smirks, then nods,

"I'll start." I say, looking at Luke,

"How old are you?" I say, Luke mumbles something,

"18." He responds,

"What type of band are you guys?" I ask,

"Pop rock." He grins,

"Wow." I laugh.

"Uh, How old are you?" He asks.

"Same age as you."

He puts his lips in a tightline.

"You're making this game very awkward, Dude." I pat his back.

"Let's just do something else." He suggests.

I nod.

"Wanna go walk around then?" I stand up, slightly pulling up my jeans.

"Okay," He does the same thing.

I grab my gun, and he grabs his knife.

"Let's go to starbucks." Luke says licking his lip.

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