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It's been 5 years since the apocalypse,

I'm 22, now living in New York, I live alone, I haven't let anyone in my life, I shut them out, I don't know why.

I've been depressed lately, writing my feelings into songs.

I am a singer and a writer, I work, even though I have enough money for me to handle from all those interviews about how I survived the outbreak.

I decided to go out today, I haven't left the house in two days, I grab my keys and leave,

I was walking on the sidewalk when I spot a starbucks across the street, I went into it, the smell of coffee smacked me right in the face,

People were chattering and having small talk, I walked towards where people were lining up, the workers yelling peoples names to tell them to pick up their order,

"Hi guys, we're in starguts!" I heard a voice call out behind me, I cringed at the happy tone in his voice,

It was my turn to order, "Hello! Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?"  The cashier said, I cringed again at the happy tone,

Why were people so happy? I've grown to have a hatred towards people,

"I'll get a pumpkin spice latte." I fakely smile at him, He nods, "That will be $3.75 " I give him my change.

"Name?" He asks, holding the empty cup and a marker.

"Kiara Flett." I quietly say, not wanting anyone to hear me.

He quickly writes it down and takes my cup, I stand by the counter, awkwardly,

"I'm making a kik video, shut up." I see a curly haired boy slap a boy with blue hair,

The other three people sitting with them laugh, A blonde girl, sitting between 2 other guys, one of the laughs intrigued me,

"Kiara Flett!" The cashier calls out, he scans the room, I walk to the counter and grab my cup, he smiles as I walk away,

"Kiara?" I hear a voice call from behind me,

I whip around and I'm met with piercing blue eyes.

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