Chapter 8; Blonde boy in the woods.

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I heard a twig snap, and the rustling sounds of leaves, like a person was walking,

I slightly pop my head out from the tree I was hiding behind, I glance at the tall figure that was standing a few feet away from where I was,

It was a boy that looked around my age, blonde hair styled up in a quiff,
Black skinny jeans.

He was wearing a black shirt, that has angel wings on the back, I look at his shoulder down to his biceps and then my eyes traveled and narrowed at the object in his hands, he has a back pack on one shoulder which I assumed that contained supplies.

Supplies that I need.

I stepped back and accidentally step on a fallen branch making the boys head snap.

He stopped walking, his other hand that I didnt see before, because I only seen his left side, holds a kitchen knife,

"Whose there?" he lowly said, he smirked too, he knows its not a infected.

Since theres no snarling, but I didnt do as I was told, lets see if he can find me.

"Fine then stubborn asshole.", I closed my eyes and heard him start walking.

I shot my eyes open when he was close, I looked to my left, he is standing by a near tree, next to the one that is shielding my appearance, he looked around, and before his eyes could land on me,

I ran to him and had him against the tree by pushing my forearm across his toned torso,

"Shut the fuck up." I stared at his hard features, I grabbed my knife and put it to his chest, his eyes widen, my hand slowly traveled down his body and I heard him gulp.

I smirked, my hand traveled further down until it was near his lower region on his left side.

I leaned in achingly, teasingly, torturingly, slow until my mouth was dangerously close to his ear,

I whispered "I like that."

I slightly pulled back, and looked into his eyes, his piercing blue eyes,

I saw that he was watching my lips so I bit my bottom one, his breathing hitched.

I leaned close into his face, he just kept watching my lips until he decided to close his eyes, my breath fanned against his face, I looked down at his pierced lip, I slightly brushed my lips against his, and licked his lip,

and thats when I reached his bag and made a run for it.

Holy shit.

"HEY!" the boy was calling me.

I fucking ran.



I ran until I was in a ditch.



January 19 2014.

"Hey, I'm gonna go take a piss." I tell the boys.

"Be careful Lucas!" Calum yelled.

"I'll be fine, I'm taking my knife." I yell back

I go to the woods.

Unzipping my jeans.

I stood there for a good 10 seconds when I heard a twig snap from behind me,

"Whose there?" I shout, zipping my jeans back up, I slowly take out my knife,

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