Chapter 22

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Me,Luke,Michael,and Calum all sat in the lounge talking for the past hour,

Ashton disappeared about 20 minutes ago, he said he was going to use the bathroom,

We talked about how Michael's ex went complete pyscho on him, she wrote a song about him, telling him how dumb his tattoo was or how his hair was going to fall out, if he kept bleaching it,

Michael was about to speak but Ashton came through the door with two big boxes in his hands,

"GUYS LOOK WHAT I FOUND." Ashton said happily, he dropped the two boxes on the floor and took out a can of beer,

I exchanged glances with Luke, I shrugged then took out a can also,

Hey, I need to have some fun, being cooped up in a mall for so long is boring.

"I found this also." Ashton took out a little box thing from his pocket and tossed it to me, I picked it up and realized it was a radio,

My eyes widened, "Guys! We could escape this mess, we could find a station that's broadcasting and ask them to send help or something!" I exclaimed.

The boys exchanged glances, "Let's do it!" Luke stood up.

"HERE'S TO FINDING SOMEONE TO HELP US!" Ashton raised his can, nobody followed him.

"Uh, Ash that was kind of lame." Michael mumbled, Everyone bursts into laughter.

_____________ 2 hours later_____________

Michael's passed out, Calum and Luke went for a walk, and Me and Ashton are making a card castle, I decided to make a video for fun, I set up my camera beside me and Ash.

"Don't you dare breathe" Ashton slurred, Everyone's drunk, Not me of course, I only had 3 cans.  

"You don't breathe ." I whisper, putting on another card, he did the same,

His pinky accidently made the bottom card move and the whole card castle came falling down,

"ASHTON." I whined, looking at the cards, littering the floor, I sighed then started picking them up,

"Oops." Ashton giggled, Ashton started picking up the cards up also, I guess he was a little sober and drunk at the same time,

As I reached for the last card, Ashton's hand was on top of mine, I look up and see him staring at me, My eyes trail down to his lips, as he slowly licked them.

He went for it, my eyes widen as he smashed his lips onto mine, He pulls me closer as I try to pull away, 

"What the.. WHAT THE FUCK!?" I hear that familiar deep voice.

I immediatley pull away, and get up from the ground, dusting off my jeans.

"Luke, Ashton's the on-" 

"Save it you slut!" He slurs, charging at me, I feel a throbbing pain on my right eye.


He hit me.

"LUKE!" Calum yells pulling him away from me, punching him square in the jaw.

I stop the camera,

it caught everything,

I leave it and run out of the room grabbing my bag, "KIARA!" I hear Calum shouting behind me.

I go to the under ground parking lot and sit in the Black Range Rover, I lock the doors, and cry my eyes out." He hit me, He hit me" I whisper to myself. I pull down the shade, and look in the mirror,

My eye is now black and purple, tears staining my cheeks.

I grab my note book and start writing.

' He hit me today, he actually hit me, I don't know what to do, i feel like having an anxiety attack, i dont want him to be like dad, the past is haunting me, like a ghost possessing a child or something, He was drunk, He probably wont even remember.'

I put my note book bag in my bag.

I look down at the steering wheel, I hotwire the car, and drive around the parking lot outside, running over zombies.

It's about 8:00 now, I've laying on the car roof, no zombies on sight right now, I've decided to go back inside the mall.

I slowly make my way into 'SEPHORA' I find foundation and concealer, I flinch as I begin dabbing the  foundation on my eye.

I put on concealer under my eyes, and add some eyeliner.

I put my bag around me, and go change my clothes,

I find a white t-shirt with black skinny jeans, and black combat boots.

My stomach grumbles, I haven't eaten in 2 days, I don't know why, stressed out, I guess.

I make my way down to the food court, 


FEBRUARY 16 2014

I just realized it's my birthday today.I'm 18. To celebrate, I had a potentially zombifying nutritional bar from my bag, (peanut butter chocolate chip) and a bottle of potentially zombifying nurutional water. That promises calm focus, energy, and antioxidants ( tropical breeze). I didn't see the boys in 2 days, I occasionally heard them calling my name, but I always hid somewhere.

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