Chapter 13; Showers.

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January 20 2014 3:45 pm

Instead of doing something related to killing zombies we ended up shopping cart racing,

I was paired with Michael, I sat in the shopping cart, while Michael pushed me down the hall, Calum, Kiara, and luke were a team,

Luke and Kiara ended up sitting in the small cart together, Calum happily pushing them in the cart, laughing.

Calum accidentally swiveled into our cart then I ended up crashing to the floor, my cart was flipped over, Calum tripped over my leg,

Kiara and Luke were still going,

"Oh shit!" I heard Luke yell, then I heard a big crash, I glanced over to Kiara and Luke, their cart flipped over also, the wheel was spinning considering they were going fast,

They ended up crashing into a juice stand, juice was all over both of them, Kiara wiped her eyes, trying to get the juice away,

Luke was sitting there laughing, he stood up, juice was dripping from his hair and his clothes,

He helped Kiara up, she was laughing also, she licked her hand,

"It tastes like apple juice." Kiara said, licking her hand once more.

"Yuck I'm all sticky," Luke said with disgust.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, if I can find one though." Kiara said tying her hair up in a ponytail.

"Me too. " Luke says swinging his arms.

We all glance at him smirking, except for Kiara.

"Really?!" Michael says, smiling, crossing his arms.

"Don't do anything stupid now kids," Calum smirks.

"Shut up." Kiara walks away.

Luke soon catches up to her.

Me, Calum ,and Michael laugh at them.



"Where do you think we can find showers?" Kiara asks, licking her hand.

"Uh, the gym?" I suggest.

We walked all the way to the other side of the mall, and finally we found the gym.

"Finally!" Kiara breathes." I feel sticky and yucky."

I slowly walk in the gym, grab towels, and move towards the back.

Finding the gym showers, Kiara starts stripping off her clothes.

I look away.

She smirks, looking at me up and down.

"Don't look," she whispers.

I cover my eyes, but slightly opening them.

Shes peeling off her t-shirt, slowly.

Holy shit.

Shes wearing a black lace bra, and black lace panties.

I can feel my jeans getting tighter.

She goes into the showers, then throws her bra and panties out afterwards.

Her bra lands on my foot.

I kick it off,

I take off my clothes too, and jump in the other shower, I look down, and see my bulge.

I grab it, slowly pumping it up and down.

Thinking of Kiara. (HAHA.)

I bite my hand trying not to moan out loudly.

I feel myself cûm , spraying it on the walls.

After I'm out of the shower, I see Kiara waiting for me.

Her towel wrapped around herself.

She grabs my hand.

"Lets go, we need new clothes. " I nod slowly.

We run down the mall with towels wrapped around our bodies.

Until we stop in front of Victorias Secret.

"Come on." She pulls me inside, " I need to grab a new bra."

She tells me to go look for a bra for her, while she looks for panties.

I look at the choices,

Black lace.

White lace.

Pink lace.

I grabbed the black lace.

She comes back with Black lace panties in her hand,

"Good choice. "She smiles. " Turn around. "

I do as told, until she asks me,

"Can you clip it?" She turns around holding the bra against her chest.

I clip it in.

"There you go," I slightly laugh.

She drops the towel, revealing her under garments.

"URBAN PLANET!" She point outside the store.

We run towards Urban planet, our feet padding the cold floor.

She goes towards the girls section, while I go towards to guy section.

I get burger boxers, a black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black converse.

I change and she comes changed also, wearing the same things.

"Wow." I look at her, "same fucking clothes again? "

We both laugh.

We go look for the guys,

Finding them at the Apple store, playing with the iphones.

"Finally!" Michael looks up " We thought you guys got eaten or something."

Kiara scoffs, " We went and got new clothes," She looks at me.

"Pft, yeah right" Ashton whispers in my ear, " I heard you in the showers, "

" W-what?" I mutter.

"Oh fuck, Kiara, S-shit kiara," Ashton mocks me, smirking.

"Shut up." I punch his arm.

" I get you bro, a guy has his needs," Ashton pats my back.

"Do you what's the worst thing about the zombie apocalypse? " Kiara speaks,

"What?" We all say in unison.

" There's no wifi." She says holding up an iphone.

All of us laugh.

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