Chapter 6 ; Pizza cat

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January 18 2014.

We've been walking for a couple of hours.

We decided to avoid the main streets.

We were walking in a quiet neighborhood.

"Lets go into that house, I'M TIRED," Calum whined.

"Yeah, me too man." Michael wiped his forehead.

I glanced at the house they were pointing at,

It was a white 2 story house, with bloody hand prints smeared on the sides, I got a feeling that something might be in it, but that didn't stop us,

Ashton started walking towards the house, with his steel water bottle clutched close to him,

all of us followed behind, Ashton kicked the door open,

He got his weapon into a hitting position, then slowly creapt into the house, making slight creaks,

He inspected the house, then lowered his weapon,

"Its clear." He laughed shakily, we heard a sound come from behind us,

All of our attention turned to the corner, when a grey cat came sprinting at us from the corner, meowing, its tail was up high,

"AWHHH." Michael said sitting down and stroking the cats fur,
He picked up the cat and held it in his arms,

I made my way over to Michael and started petting it, it started to purr,

"AWHH ITS PURRING." Michael said in a childish voice,

Ashton backed away, "Come pet it, Ash!" Michael said cheerfully,

Ashton shook his head, "I'm allergic, remember?" Ashton said, pouting, he stuck out his bottom lip,

"Poor Ash." Calum said patting Ashton's back,

The grey cat leaped out of Michaels lap and went running around the corner, we heard loud meows,

We went around the corner and found the grey cat sitting on a man,
His intestines were spread all over the couch, the cat licked his face,

Probably its owner, I felt bad, I wonder how long it went without food?

Calum went to fetch the cat, holding it close to him,

"CAN WE KEEP HIM?" Michael said loudly for all of us to hear,

"Uhmm.. I'm not sure." I said, rubbing the back of my neck,
Michael pouted his lip, he made puppy eyes,

"Ashton?" Calum said glancing at ash,

Ashton bit the inside of his cheek, then finally spoke,

"Only if it doesn't get near me." Ashton said,

Michael jumped up and down, giggling like a little kid,

Then he was rambling about what to call it,

"We should call it pizza." Michael said, holding his head up high,

"Why pizza?" Calum said laughing,

"I can't think right now, okay? I'm hungry as fuck." Michael slightly laughed,

I raised my hand up," me too."

Calum pulled his backpack off, unzipped it then threw us a bag of chips,

Chips, the only thing we have to live off of is chips.

I shook my head then opened the bag of chips and began eating,

We crushed up a few chips then put them on the floor for 'pizza'

Pizza began eating the crushed up chip pieces, stuffing them in its small mouth,

"Is it a boy?" I blurted out, wondering its gender,

"Uh, Im not 100% sure, to be honest." Michael said, glaring at the cat

"Check." Calum said glancing at me, smirking,

"Why don't you check?" I raised my eyebrows,

"Why doesn't Michael check?" Calum said back,

Both of our attention turned to Michael,

"Fine." Michael held up his hands in surrender,

Michael picked up the cat, then lifted up its tail, he put the cat back down,

"Its a boy." Michael stated, Ashton started laughing,

Me also, I didnt think he would actually check.

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