Chapter 24

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February 16 6:00- am

Me and Luke are on the night shift again, We're trying to find someone on the radio right now, We tried everything, we made signs on the roof, but that didn't help,

"I don't think this is gonna work, Luke" I give him the radio, "Find someone, I'll be back." He nods, I was going to the bathroom, As I was turning the corner, Luke yells out " KIARA! KIARA! KIARA!" I immediatley run to Luke, thinking if he's hurt or not, I turn the corner and see him holding the radio.

"I FOUND SOMEONE!" Luke exclaims " Hello? Hello!"

"HEY HEY- CALM DOWN BOY!" The man on the radio speaks, I gasp and wake up the others, "WAKE UP! WE FOUND SOMEONE!" I pull the blanket off Calum,

"Heyy!" Calum mumbles, rolling on his side, his eyes widen,"WHAT! YOU DID!" He quickly stands up and runs to Luke, I do the same to Ash and Michael.

I go back to Luke and he's telling the man on the radio where we are, "We're at the... Seattle Mall" He nervously bites his lip,

"I seen your signs, I didn't think anyone was alive." The man exclaims, "How many are there of you guys?" We all exchange glances, "Five," I bite my lip " There's five of us."

"My name is Bill" He says, "I am at the hospital right now, picking up others, I am dropping them off at Churchill, up in Canada, I have one more trip and back to pick you guys up."

"YES!" Calum shouts, running to Ashton and Michael, who are still sleeping.

I hug Luke tightly, " Whoa there." He smirks, He gives me a quick peck on the lips before going back to the radio.

"When will that be exactly" Luke questions,

"I will be at the Seattle airport on February 17th 12:00 pm sharp, Be there" Bill disconnects from the radio.

"Thats's tomorrow" I gasp. The airport is all the way across the city, "We need to leave now"

We all nod, I grab my bag and gather my stuff, I also get twinkies and red bull from the kiosk full of junk food.

Luke changes into a black muscle shirt that says 'YOU COMPLETE ME' I scoff at his shirt,

"What?" Luke looks down at his shirt,

"That's so cheesy" I laugh, I pull white-out from my back and paint on 'ss', so it now says 'YOU COMPLETE MESS'

"I love it " I giggle, Luke softly smiles before pressing his lips to mine, the taste of Red Bull made my body feel like it was being electrocuted.

god i wanted more.

But i knew It wasn't the right time.

"I love it" He smirked into my lips.

Before I can turn around, Luke grabs my wrist, "Kiara?"

"Hmm?" I stare into his piercing blue eyes,

"Uhh, I don't know if this is to soon or not, but.." He trails off.

"What?" I grab both of his wrists.

He scratches the back of his neck, He takes a deep breath "I've known you for about a month and a half now right?" I nod, " I've never met anyone like you, you make me feel different, like whenever I see you, I get butterflies, when I hold your hand, I feel like I'm going to faint, But when I found out that I hurt you, I wanted to kill myself, I felt so bad, I'm so sorry," He chokes out, I rub my thumb soothingly on the back of his hand,

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