Chapter 14; Calum.

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January 21 2014 10:38 pm.

We were all gathered in game stop, we were looking for fifa,

"FOUND IT." Ashton came from one of the aisles, clutching fifa in his hands,

"FUCK YEAH." Michael came sprinting from behind me,

"Don't we need power to play first?" Kiara said, laughing slightly,

Michael groaned, " we need to find the generator." Kiaras voice echoed in the store,

Her eyebrows furrowed, her gaze was behind me, then her eyes widened,

"I'VE BEEN WANTING TO PLAY THIS EVER SINCE IT CAME OUT." Kiara said running towards me but then pushing past me to go to the new released games, she then held up 'Call of duty:Advanced Warfare'

I laughed at her childish actions, "okay, we seriously need to find the generator." Kiara said, still holding the case,

"I'll go find it." Michael raised up his hand, "me too." I said,

"Are you sure you want to go?" Kiara said, "its going to be dark where the generator is." She said staring at me,

her ocean blue eyes piercing into my dull brown ones, we both nodded,

"Maybe I should go too." Kiara said biting her lip,

She sighed, then ran a hand through her hair,

"Can you guys stay alive for a bit while we're gone?" Kiara asked, glaring at Luke and Ashton,

Luke nodded, running his hands over the previously packaged controller, Ashton didn't even pay attention to what we were saying,

He was just digging in a box full of games, we shrugged, then grabbed the crow bar in case if there was any zombies in the room,

We made small talk on the way there, talking about the tour, how we got stranded by our bus driver who just took off on us while we were in the hotel, how we decided to come to the mall,

She told us about how she was at a dinner with her mother when it all started, she told us about the garbage truck crashing through the wall of the restaurant,

I gasped, it hit me like a train, it was that garbage truck we seen earlier when we were walking towards the mall.

"I think it was that garbage truck we seen earlier, then after that Michaels cat got squished." I whispered to Michael

His eyes widened, "I remember that truck!" He whisper yelled,

Kiara was leading us towards the lower floors,

I swung the crow bar as we walked, we heard screaming, it echoed in the parking lot under ground, Kiara cursed under her breath,

"Whatever you do, dont yell out." Kiara said, turning to us,

"What if its another survivor?" Michael glared at her,

"We don't need another one." Kiara said sternly, then started walking down the stairs, it began to get colder as we walked down each step,

I shivered, goosebumps formed on my skin, why did I choose to wear a fuckin tank top?

We walked, into a long hallway, green doors labeled,
Garbage room, pick up room, staff only, janitor, generator.

I reached over to the knob, but then a hand slapped me from doing so,

I turned my head towards the hand, it was Kiara,

"What now?" I cross my arms over my chest,

"You don't hear it?" Kiara raised an eyebrow,

"Hear what?" I say, licking my chapped lips,

"I hear it." Michael said looking at the door,

We all stood in complete silence when I heard growling come from behind the door, then we heard chewing also,

I furrowed my eyebrows, then I pressed my ear against the door, the growling stopped,

I was about to withdraw but then the door started shaking violently, loud pounding errupted, the growling came back,

I jumped back, holding a hand to my mouth to prevent me from screaming, all of us flinched when we seen the door handle jiggle,

I put up my crow bar to my shoulder then put it in a swinging position,

Kiara then walked over to the door, nodding slowly,

she then kicked open the door, revealing a zombie that had blood all over its face, it came charging towards me, I swung my crow bar towards its head,

I beheaded the zombie, the body slumped to the ground,

I glanced at Kiara, she was smirking, I smirked back,

Michael walked into the room, stepping over the zombie I just killed,

He walked around mumbling things to himself, I was guessing he was reading the switches, he reached out and pulled down a switch,

The lights suddenly came on with a hum, we all high fived eachother,

Then we started making our way back to the others, we walked back up the same way we came down,

We walked back to the store, Luke and Ashton were already seated in front one of the flat screens that was in there, they were playing CALL OF DUTY: ADVANCED WARFARE,

"YAY." Kiara said happily, running towards them, plopping herself beside Luke, I'm starting to think they have a thing.

"I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO PLAY FIFA." I pout, crossing my arms over my chest,

"I'll play with you." Michael said giddy, A smile plastered on my face,

"Im going to beat your ass so hard your man boobs are going to con cave." I stated,

"What?" Kiara said looking at me, then started laughing,

I laughed with her, "I dont have manboobs." Michael looked down at his chest,

Which made me laugh even harder,


Me and Michael were in the middle of playing fifa, when we heard a Ashton yawn,

"Tired mate?" I asked, he nodded, rubbing his eyes,

"I'm tired too." I say getting up, so did michael,

"I'll take first watch." Kiara spoke up,

"Me too." Luke piped up.

I wiggled my eyebrows up and down, teasing him.

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