Chapter 10; Creeper.

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January 20 2014 2:36 am.

I decided to explore the mall, since theres no point in going to sleep,

I spot a maniquin wearing an outfit that I love,

red flannel

Black t-shirt

Black skinnies

And black converse,


I immediately run up the escalators and I look up at the store sign,
'Urban planet '

I shoot the window, then climb inside, then I grab the maniquin,

"I'm sorry, but I'm taking your fucking clothes." I say as I strip off the clothes from the plastic object,

I strip off my own clothes and put on the clothes the maniquin was previously wearing, I glanced at myself in the mirror,

Damn, I look good.

I winked at myself, then walked out of the store,

I immediately spotted a music store across the store I was in, I made my way around to the music store,

the doors were open, I then spotted a black guitar in the corner on a stand, I walked over to it, then picked it up,

observing the strings and neck, I skimmed my fingers on the strings, slightly plucking the strings also,

I decided to sit down and play a song.

"Well I dont even like you why'd you want to go make me feel this way.

And I dont understand wants happening I keep saying things I'd never say,

Cause I can feel you watching even when you're no where to be seen, and I can feel you touc-"

I was cut off by cymbals crashing together, I whipped my head around to be met with a rack of cymbals,

I pulled out my gun and pointed it towards the rack, I seen a quiff slowly emerge from behind the rack, familiar blue eyes stared at my own,

he stood up quickly holding a crow bar in his hand, he bit his lip ring,
I know that lip ring.

I gasped slightly, it was the boy I jacked for his supplies.

I smirked, remembering what I had done,

"Look what we have here." I said, Confusion was plastered on his face,
"Don't you remember me?"

He shook his head slowly.

"Anyways, I was just leaving. " I lied.

He looks away.

"Okay then"

I put the guitar back on the rack, then headed down to the food court.



JANUARY 20 2014 2:12 am

I was on night shift, we were in the security room,

I watching the security footage while everyone else slept, one of the screens caught my eye when a figure was running up the escalator,

I was watching the figure come towards one of the upper level camera's than she aimed a gun at the camera I was currently monitoring,

then it went black, at the same time I heard a gunshot being fired, I immediately stood up,

Then I grabbed Calums crow bar, I clutched it close to me, I heard another gun shot being fired, but this time I heard glass shattering,

I walked towards the sound, I heard faint singing echoeing through the mall,

"well I don't even like you why'd you want to go make me feel this way. "

I followed the singing,

It revealed to be a girl, I hid behind the cymbals.

This girl looked about 17, with soft wavy black hair that fell halfway down her back. She was wearing a red flannel shirt, with a black t-shirt, and black ripped skinny jeans, along with black converse.

Holy shit.

She was singing our song.

Voodoo doll.

I lost my balance and crashed down with the cymbals.

She looked and those ocean blue eyes, she had porcelain skin, plump pink lips, she immediately took out her gun and pointed it towards the rack I was hiding behind,

I immediately stood up, holding the crow bar close to me, I took my lip ring in between my teeth, chewing on the metal,

She gasped slightly, then her expression hardened again,

"Look what we have here." She smirked, I furrowed my eyebrows,
"Don't you remember me?" Her voice sounded so innocent.

I shook my head, who was she? She looked so familiar though.

"Anyways, I was just leaving." She said, turning on her heel and stopped, giving me one more glance,

"Okay then." She said then putting the guitar back on the stand, then left.

Her voice sounded so familiar, I know I know her from somewhere.

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