Chapter 16; Second thoughts.

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I was about to walk into the security room when I heard Kiara call out my name behind me,

I turn around, "I forgot to give you this." Kiara says,pulling out an Adventure time bracelet,

She slipped it on my wrist, I glance at it,then look up to Kiara,

She had a Jake the dog one, I got Finn the human.,

"Best friends forever, yo." She says holding up her fist, in a fist pound position,

Best Friends.

Oh my god,

I've been friendzoned,

My heart falls.

I eventually got it and pounded fists with her,

"BOOM!" She makes and explosion sound.

I look down, while walking inside the room.

She scanned the sleeping boys laying on the couches and floor,

She made her way over to Michael,who has his mouth wide open,

She then pulls out the dildo from her pocket and slightly moves it into his mouth.

He shoots his eyes wide open, Then gags.

Me and Kiara burst out laughing, waking up the other boys.

"WHAT' THE FUCK KIARA!" Michael yells, wiping his tongue repeatedly.

"Whats going on?" Calum says rubbing his eyes, Kiara then throws the dildo at his face,

Calum picks it up,not realizing what it was,

He rubs the sleep out of his eyes,then glances at the dildo in his hands,

his eyes widen at what he just touched, he throws it at Ashton,

"I DON'T WANT IT!" Ashton yells, throwing it back, " IT MIGHT OF WENT INSIDE KIARA!"

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?" Kiara faces Ashton, clenching her fists.

I hear Ashton gulp.

Kiara pulls out her gun, cocking it.

"OH SHIT RUN ASH!" Calum shouts to Ashton, whose already running out of the room.

She grabs Ashton's shirt.

Ashton's eyes screw closed,

Kiara points the gun directly to his face.


She glares at me. then back to Ashton.

She puts her finger on the trigger.

I close my eyes.

But open them again, when I see water squirting on Ashton's face.

"HAHAHAHHAA!" Kiara drops on the floor, holding her stomach.


Her face turns red, and tears in her eyes, from laughing to hard.

I look over at Ashton, and He's curled up in a ball.

"That wasn't funny Kiara." Michael says sternly, walking over to Ashton, who is now crying.

"Yeah, Kiara" Calum says coming back into room.

"Oh, lighten up you guys." Kiara says, wiping her tears.

Everyone glares at her.

"Okay then," Kiara says slowly backing out of the room.

"Are you okay Ash?" I ask him.

He nods. wiping away his tears.

"I'm starting not to like her, man," Michael speaks, rubbing Ashtons back.

"Yeah, me too." Calum agrees." She's gone to far."

"C'mon guys," I speak up ."She was just joking."

"You don't hate her because you like her." Ashton stands up.

"Should we kick her out?" Calum suggests.

My eyes widen.

"What?" I yell. " She's a girl, possibly the last one on earth,"

"She can survive on her own, with her bad-ass personality" Calum says harshly.

"If she leaves, how can we repopulate the earth?" I say nervously.

"Are you talking about raping her?!" Michael shouts, " Where the fuck did that idea come from?! Your penis?" He scoffs.



"All who wants to kick out Kiara, raise your hand." Michael says,

Calum,him,and Ashton raise up their hands,

"Luke?" Calum glares at me.

"Its us or her." Ashton said,looking at me straight in the eyes,

I think about it,

I pulled my lip ring in between my teeth,

this was hard.

I each looked at their faces

Calum tapped his foot repeatedly,

Michael stood there,then he crossed his arms,

Ashton pressed his lips in a tight line,

I can't lose these guys,

they're my best friends

I sighed,

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I slowly raise up my hand.

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