chrome | come here

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chrome x reader (they/them prns) • 1.1k
|romantic; fluff, comfort
[ reader is sleep deprived , chrome is ooc ]

1k|romantic; fluff, comfort[ reader is sleep deprived , chrome is ooc ]

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his eyes glossed over to your tired form. from the way you walked so carelessly, anyone could tell that you were very much sleep deprived.

you had been working on your own experiments to better the village's welfare; especially the architecture since that's what you're most good at. you however, are not much of a big brain like senku. senku for most of the time always gets his ideas delivered perfectly on the spot. you on the other hand... uhh... need a little more time processing things hence the condition you're now in. you decided to pull out an all nighter for three days to see what you can give to the village despite knowing very well how sleep deprived you are.

finally sitting on the ground, you stared at your ramen bowl that you just took from the vendor. your eyes seemed so lifeless that even ginro took notice of it.

"(y/n), are you sick? i can feed you if you want" ruri looked at you in concern. you smiled half-heartedly, "no, it's fine. i think i'll just get some rest" ruri kept her eyes on you as your figure retreats to her house- yes, you share your house with ruri. ginro blinked his eyes at ruri's expression before turning to your ramen, "yay!! more fooooddd!!"


you blinked, staring at the ceiling. your eyes feel so heavy yet they have the audacity to stay awake for whatever reason.

'was three nights too long to pull out an all nighter? but i haven't even finished my experiments.... so it must've been too short? but i want to sleep...' you pouted at yourself, '..whatever'

chrome on the other hand kept eating his ramen while staring at ruri's house. should he go? should he not? he could check up on you and make sure you really have a good rest. but what if you don't want people to bother you because you are, indeed, resting. will his company means good or bad? he furrowed his eyebrows as he gulped down the last bits of the food.

senku looked over to his friend and smiled softly. wearing a shit eating grin he nudged his friend, "oi chrome! what are you waiting for huh? just go check up on them, you like them don't you?" a light blush dusted on chrome's cheeks as senku kept poking him all around, laughing maniacally while doing so.

stopping himself after a moment, senku placed a hand on chrome's shoulder, "i'm sure they will ten billion percent like your company, don't worry about it"

chrome sighed softly as he shakes his head, muttering a weak "right..."

bringing himself to the house, he kept on reassuring himself. 'senku says i'm not a burden to them so i shouldn't worry, but what if... this time, senku is wrong? no, no, don't think about it. just go check up on them and if they don't like it, just leave. it's simple as that. but what if it's not simple?' groaning, he took out a deep breath as he reached the destination. 'it's weird...' he started climbing the stairs, '... why am i feeling relieved that ruri is still eating and not here' finally reaching the last step, he looked over to your form lying in the middle of the house. chrome could hear his heart breaking at the sight; your eyes were closed yet it showed no signs of relief.

"hey there, chrome" you whispered, a smile lightly tugging on your face.

chrome jerked back in suprise, "oh! hey there (y/n)..." "do you need anything? is the scientist department understaffed?" your eyes slowly fluttered open to take a look at him. "no, not that. i came to check up on you actually" your eyebrows raised at his answer as you let out a small 'oh'

he started walking towards you and then, sits himself by your left side. you gazed at him, tilting your head forward to motion 'what?' he stared longingly at the papers scattered on your desk and sighed, "i... knew you were overworking yourself and... that's not good you know. i really understand how hard you work to make sure you contribute to the village but doing it like this... this is too much.. you should be able to take care of yourself well if you really want to help the village. working and abandoning your health... that.. that's not it. if you overwork yourself then you will get sick and when you get sick, you won't be able to help us anymore and i..." "pfft-" you chuckled lightly as your shoulders dropped in relief,

"chrome, are you worried about me?"


you stopped chuckling and shifted your body to the right, unaware that chrome could clearly see your toes curling inwards.

'how cute', he smiled.

"(y/n)" he called out as you hmmed. you could hear shuffling behind you before he continued, "i will help you tomorrow, i want to. please don't be too hard on yourself anymore. i'm here. we all are here. you know that we will gladly help you, right?" you lips automatically curved upwards as you replied, "right..."

"now, come here and sleep with me"


you immediately jumped backwards to the opposite of the room as your mouth were widely agape, "the fuck chrome?"

"i don't mean it like that you idiot!" he immediately stands up, his face twisted in frustration,

"i just thought that don't people sleep better with other people around? it doesn't feel as lonely you know and i thought..."

he pursed his lips for a second, "i thought... you need that the most right now.." he brings himself to face the floor in embarrassment, 'what am i even saying?'


"what?" his head snapped back to you.

"come here" you put out both your arms in a welcoming manner as you smiled knowingly at him, walking slowly towards him.

"i know you just want to cuddle me awhh that's cute"

"shut up!"

"it's okay chrome, you can admit that" your grin reminded him of a certain scientist friend to his horror.

"just sleep (y/n)" he rubbed his temple.

"yeah, i am. with you"

fighting his blush, he groaned,

"seriously (y/n), just sleep-"

your hands made its way to his figure, intertwining themselves around his waist as you broke into a huge grin, "i also, want to sleep with you" chrome was sure he could've passed out in that moment but with the very little courage he had that time, his hand patted your head softly,

"alright, (y/n)"


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