gen | of romcoms and otps

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bff!gen x reader (no prns) • 0.2k
|romantic; fluff, drabble, pre-petrification AU, bffs to lovers implied
[ sleepovers , cheesy gen , open ending ]

omg it's the first one i've made before immediately posting (good job, me 😩)

omg it's the first one i've made before immediately posting (good job, me 😩)

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it's the weekend. and you know what happens on weekends? sleepovers with asagiri gen!

it's 11.25 p.m. and you and gen are still binging a romcom, huddling under the same blanket. the main lead was trying to save their partner when you just go-

"ah choo!"

gen chuckles as his hand loops around your waist and pulls you closer, "let me warm you up, (y/n)-chan~" to which you let out a snort but give in regardless, your head dropping to lean on his side. and maybe just maybe, your heart beats a tad faster at his gesture.

the main lead now practically breathless from running, sighs in relief as they watch their partner still in an okay condition. still because if they don't move fast, their enemies would hurt their beloved. watching them fighting their way through to get to their lover, you and gen both let out tiny sobs when they finally have their partner in their arms, holding each other close.

"they're s... so... cutee..." you sniffle.

"i know right!" he wails before getting a smack, you shushing him because your family are still asleep.

"i love the other couple way more though.." he adds, his mouth forming a tiny (cute) pout.

"ooo which one?" you turn to him, hand propping your head to prepare for a conversation of your favourite otps- one of your favourite topics ever if you might add. what you weren't expecting however is gen's face drawing nearer to you before a mischievous smile appears on his face as he stares into your eyes,

"asagiri gen and (l/n) (y/n) of course"


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