ukyo | happy birthday <3

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ukyo x deaf!reader (no prns) • 1.8k
|romantic; fluff, angst, established relationship au
[ reader only comfortable speaking w ukyo , reader use sign language / writing on paper w others , suika sidekick let's gooo , ukyo n reader dated from pre-petrification ]
requested by Mew_Mew_Keki

8k|romantic; fluff, angst, established relationship au[ reader only comfortable speaking w ukyo , reader use sign language / writing on paper w others , suika sidekick let's gooo , ukyo n reader dated from pre-petrification ]requested by Mew_Mew_Keki

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WTF SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG HAHAHA ALSO LONGEST CHAPTER EVER WOOOO i hope i did justice 🧍‍♀️ also i changed a couple of thgs ehe

n i made the reader only talks to ukyo bcs he's the only one they're rlly comfortable w (since pre-petrification n all that)

n i made the reader only talks to ukyo bcs he's the only one they're rlly comfortable w (since pre-petrification n all that)

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ginro slapped his mouth, gasping in shock. you gave a nod, smiling at him. "it wasn't that shocking, it's so obvious" senku voiced his thought absentmindedly.

you came from tsukasa's side, the same as ukyo before he asked you to switch sides with him and you agreed because for you, it doesn't really matter which side you're on. as long as you have ukyo, life is definitely easier to go through.

it's been two months after that and it's no suprise that ishigami village now feels like home to you. you got closer to senku, mainly because he also knows sign language, and gen because he's just good at guessing what you're trying to deliver. typical mentalist.

only... the problem is... ukyo had been distancing himself from you.

did i do something wrong?, you wonder, deciding to just ask him later during dinner.

you feel a tug on your shirt before noticing suika beside you, "(y/n), are you okay?" oh right, i was adventuring with suika..

you lower your gaze as you purse your lips, pulling out a piece of paper and starts writing on it, 'did i do something wrong? ukyo has been avoiding me' suika frowns at that as she spreads her arms as an invitation to hug and you accepts, feeling a little better from the comfort she gave you.

slowly pushing herself from you, she huffs, "you didn't do anything wrong, suika's sure of that. maybe you can ask him?" at that, you look dejected as you continue writing, 'yeah i'm planning to but i don't think he'll tell me the truth'

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