tsukasa | remorse pt 2

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tsukasa x reader (she/her prns) • 0.7k
|romantic; angst, comfort, platonic!senku x reader
[ they sleep together , y/n has a dream ☹👎]

remember when i said pt2 is going to be fluff? yea... u didn't saw that 😁
but i did made their relationship kind of strange so i don't think fluff suits them

 u didn't saw that 😁 but i did made their relationship kind of strange so i don't think fluff suits them

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he jolts slightly, his eyes that were starting to doze off are now wide open.

"can i sleep with you?" now more adjusted to the dark, he could see the slight shaking of your body and the tears pooling in your eyes. deciding to not ask anything further, he makes space for you as you whisper a 'thank you'.

with you two on the same bed, although each at the far end, his heart starts doing that thing again. groaning, he turns the other way. he does not want to deal with this feeling now. not when you're so close. not when he can reach and tug you closer. not now. no.

not no-

his thoughts were interrupted when he feels your hands fisting his cloth from the back. he could feel your forehead on his back, along with the trembles you're trying to supress. sighing (more like to himself), he turns around and takes your hands in his.

you burst into tears at the gesture. seeing you cry, he swears he hears his heart breaks.

for once, he gives in.

hand reaching for your back, he tugs you closer as he rubs your back. whoever is making you cry, he'll be sure to get that person and pay them back. you don't deserve this. not on his watch.

for once, you give in.

shoulders shaking more violently as your cry gets worse, you curl closer to tsukasa. it was just a fine night. not until you got that dream. in that dream, you were helping senku achieving his dream of bringing back humanity. you were having so much fun. yeah. were. because that'll never happen.

trembling, you hold the hand holding you. "i... miss s-senku.." you manage to say, choking on your sobs. i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him, your heart screams.

oh. right.

you don't know he's still alive.

and without miss, of course he's the person hurting you. again.

thinking that whatever he'll say won't do good, he opts to smile weakly at that. the hand rubbing your back is now cupping your cheek, trying its best to wipe away the tears. he didn't knew he had the ability to hate himself more but that night proved him wrong.



"oh (y/n) good morning! now come help me, big oaf and yuzuriha were already helping me with something else"

"senku... is that really you?"

"what are you on ma'am? of course it's me" he deadpans.

taking a moment to take in everything that is happening, you check your heartbeat. no way this is real... no way.. standing up, you could feel your knees going weak but in the next second, you're already dashing towards senku's arms, knocking both of you down.

he lets out an 'oof' and opens his mouth to comment something snarky but closes his mouth as he sees the state you're in. your grip around his waist is weirdly too tight and to be honest, it hurts him a bit. but he feels his shirt wet where you're pressing your head on. and you're screaming in his embrace, your words incoherent.

he could only make out the word 'dead' and 'experiments'. you calm down a bit after that, tiny sobs escaping your mouth and an attempt at a whisper.

"i miss you" you smile at him and then his hands awkwardly placed at your back,

"i miss you too (y/n)"


fluttering your eyes open, you reach out to your cheeks. it's wet. were you crying in your sleep? or the exact question is why are you still crying?

it's not as cold though.

huh. what the fuck (y/n)? where did that come from?

oh right. it's the second time you're crying this night alone. great. oh. right. that reminds you.

painfully unaware of the hand that settles at your waist earlier, you finally realize you're still in tsukasa's hold. you search his face for any indication that he's awake and sigh in relief when you find none. you kind of hate his guts but you're not going to wake him up again for some petty nightmares. you already owed him one anyways.

earlier scene diplays in your mind and you groan in embarassment. why was he even the first person you thought of when you first had the nightmare? well played (y/n), you mentally roll your eyes at yourself.

landing your gaze at tsukasa once again, a sense of warmth fills you. is it.. too late to admit to yourself?

is it?

nah, there's nothing to admit. you hate his guts and that's it. or that's what you're trying to convince yourself as you brush his strands of hair away and lands a kiss on his forehead.


did you noticed that it's her first thank you to tsukasa lol

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